Saturday, August 7, 2010

Parker's Day Through Pics

Parker is not one to watch tv but this morning Caleb had ESPN SportsCenter on in our bedroom. After Parker had his coffee milk in hand, he wanted to watch tv. He was very into Sports Center. I think it's so cute when he gets so engrossed into sports games on tv.

Tonight I had Lindy's bachelorette party, so Caleb and Parker had some good time together. Here are two pictures Caleb text messaged me:
He looks a little scared or confused here:
They went to the Kings' house (Caleb works with Ryan) to visit a little bit. Caleb said that Parker played great with the other kids. He had to make him leave the toys and come eat!

After hanging out at The King's house, Caleb and Parker went to visit Chandler. (I think Caleb is a little jealous that I've been spending time with Chandler the past two days. JK He just wanted to see his favorite nephew.)
Caleb said Parker was great with Chandler- very lovable.
The pics aren't that great, but you get the idea.
Here Parker is hugging Chandler:
Giving Chandler kisses:

Caleb getting some lovin' from the little man:

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