Tuesday, August 17, 2010

2 Days Down

Today I picked Parker up at 3:15; I was too early to get the daily write-up but they told me he had a really good day. His morning teacher, Ms. Cindy, was leaving when I got there and she was bragging about how good he was. She said that he loves his backpack; it's like his security. As she was talking to me I was holding Parker. He pointed over to his picture he had made today that was hanging on the wall and said, "Momma. Momma. Momma." I told him how cute it was and he did a great job. I oohh and ahhh'd over it. I went back to my conversation and he showed me two more times. He was so proud of his picture! I'm hoping we get to bring all of his work home for the week on Friday.
I'm really convinced that Parker LOVES his new class. I enjoy watching him on the webcam throughout the day. :)

I forgot that Ms. Penny told me yesterday that he can say teacher. I heard him say it tonight- so cute.

I'll try to post pics tomorrow.

After I picked Parker up from school today we met Caleb on his lunch break over at his sisters house. Caleb's dad, Pappy, came in town to see Chandler and Parker. Parker loved playing with Pappy. Parker is also big on Uncle D (Cody- his middle name is Dewayne). Parker was disappointed D wasn't there today. Today was the first day Parker said Tia. She was so excited. We're still waiting on Parker to say Chandler. It's a tough name, but as much as Parker is saying these days, it won't be long! :)

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Now you just need to teach him to say "miss." Teachers love that. :)