Sunday, August 22, 2010

Highlights From The Past Week

- Parker loves to help me unload the dishwasher. He's been helping put soap in it and start it for a few weeks now, but within the past week to week and a half he's started helping me unload the silverware. When he hands me something I say, "thank you." He started saying thank you each time he hands me something. It's so cute.

- Towards the end of last week he started saying, "Watch. Watch Mommy" (or Daddy.) He says it until we say we're watching AND he sees us watching. It's funny because he feels the need to say it even when we are clearly watching him. Last night me & Parker were coming home from Brandon & Opal's. He kept saying, "Mommy. Watch. Watch. Watch. Mommy. Watch." I kept politely telling him that I would love to watch right then but I had to drive. When we finally stopped at a stop sign I turned around and he had his legs spread eagle, both propped up on the armrest. It was so funny! We both laughed.

- He started sleeping in more within the past 2 1/2 weeks. Now my question is, why hasn't he been sleeping in when I was staying home with him? It's like he knew he would be starting school and wanted to mess up our schedule! Hahaha. During the week we are sure to put him down around 8 so that he will wake up by 7:30.

- Last night I was putting Parker to bed. We were facing each other. He reached his little arm up, put it around my neck and kissed me multiple times. It melted my heart. It was so precious!

- His first week of school was a success. Caleb said on Friday when he left Parker that he didn't even cry. He got out of his arms and went over to the toys. He's learning A LOT and enjoying his time there. We are loving the webcam that we can sign on and watch him throughout the day. At the beginning of the week he would carry his backpack around with him. I called it his "man bag." (For those of you who watched Friends know what I'm talking about. :)) By Friday when we watched the webcam we didn't see the man bag with him.

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