Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cracker Barrel

Granny and Gramps spent another day with Parker. I know they all enjoyed each other's company. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall. :) Gramps and Parker went on a walk to the park. Parker pulled the wagon back some for Gramps. Here is a pic of Parker riding his horse. He put the hat on it and said, "yeehaw."
We went to dinner at Cracker Barrel and afterwards we sat on the porch for a bit. Parker enjoyed rocking with Granny and Gramps, playing checkers and messing with Granny's "stick."

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Day With G&G

He picked out his clothes. He went for a blue theme.
Today Parker stayed home with Granny and Gramps. They said they all had a good day. They all took good naps- until Gramps woke Granny up snoring. ;) I wish I had pictures from today to post.
Parker is doing much better- thankfully!
We went to J Cody's tonight for dinner and it was DELICIOUS! I always LOVE going to eat there, but tonight it was the best yet! Here are pics from our way over to J Cody's:

Gramps and Parker watching the big trucks go by.
Enjoying his straw.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Happy 22 Mirthday, Parker- Man!

Parker, my mom and I stayed home from church today. We got stuff done around the house while Parker still recuperated. Today was the first day he has eaten a good meal.. he ate two at that! Granny and Gramps came in town tonight to keep Parker for us tomorrow. We wanted to keep him home one more day to ensure his ears and allergies aren't acting up anymore. I know they are all going to enjoy each other.
On another note, Caleb puts Parker to bed the majority of the time- Parker's choice. Caleb put him to bed tonight but didn't lay in bed with him for long. He said that when he got up to leave Parker's room, Parker was tapping his hand on the bed saying, "Daddy. Daddy. Daddy." where Caleb was laying. He didn't want him to leave.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

This is what happens...

When you leave a sick boy home with his Daddy......
I was in Lindy and James's wedding today. My day started out at 8:45 am and I got home after 7 pm. It was a BEAUTIFUL wedding!!! (Pics to come soon hopefully!) The wedding was at 2 pm. Parker and Caleb both took a long nap. Parker still isn't feeling 100% better yet. He plays some and then is crabby some.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

We sent Parker on to school today, but I think his ears are still kind of bothering him. He's still recovering. He plays but then will act like he doesn't feel well. He is going to stay home tomorrow and recover through the weekend... we're hoping for his antibiotics to kick in soon!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Letha & Dr.

Parker stayed home with Letha (MiMi). They always enjoy their time together. She ended up taking him to the doctor. He has a double ear infection. Dr. Henderson gave him an antibiotic that should clear up the rash and ear infection.
This afternoon he seemed to feel TONS better. He was back to his old-self- running, playing, making sure we are watching him. :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Rash... & Fever

Today when I picked Parker up from school he had a rash all over. We noticed last night that he had a little rash on his bottom, but didn't think much of it. Today it's spread from his bottom to his face. It's not as bad on his face, but it's there.
When we got home he was really sluggish and I could tell he didn't feel well. Later this afternoon/ early evening, I took his temperature and it was between 102-103.
He's for sure going to stay home from school tomorrow.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Granny & Gramps :)

Today was my first day at work with students. It's crazy to think that if I had stayed in teaching last year, this would be my 5th year! My how time flies by!
Granny and Gramps came in town and they enjoyed getting to play with Parker. They brought Parker a truck that has a trailer and a tractor on the trailer. HE LOVES it! He slept with it.
Granny figured out that when Parker is singing, he's singing Jesus Loves Me. It was so cute. Gramps would sing one line of Jesus Loves Me and Parker would continue singing. He doesn't have the words down, but he has the tune. It's precious.
I called Gramps on my way home and he couldn't talk long because Parker was calling for Gramps. So cute.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

1/2 The Day In Bed

I woke up at 7:30 this morning on my own.
Caleb and Parker were both still asleep.
I heard Parker cry out about 8, went in there and he was still asleep. He was dreaming. This went on until about 8:45. Caleb finally brought him to our bed because his head was hanging off the bed- he was flopping around so much in his dream. When Caleb laid him in our bed, Parker said something snack. We couldn't make out the first word and Caleb asked him to repeat it. He said it again (we still don't know what he was asking for) and then fell back asleep. He woke up at 9:50 and asked for mamon-ade (lemonade). Caleb got it for him. When I left for church, Parker and Caleb were in our bed. Parker was drinking his lemonade like a bottle. Caleb said he fell back asleep drinking it.
Here are pictures of what took place while I was away at church:

He ate breakfast (4 Ritz crackers and two pieces of bread) in our bed.

Caught up on ESPN SportsCenter.
Once I got home from church at 11:45, Parker got out of bed. He brought me a tag from a shirt I wore to church that I should have thrown away before I left. He then went outside, sat on his picnic table and asked for a hot dog bread.
He wanted Caleb to ride the bike with him. He finally got through to Parker that he was too big for his bike. He convinced me to ride it. I love that he thinks I'm 40 lbs. :)
By the time all of this happened, it was already almost 1:00. Literally 1/2 the day was spent in bed.

Highlights From The Past Week

- Parker loves to help me unload the dishwasher. He's been helping put soap in it and start it for a few weeks now, but within the past week to week and a half he's started helping me unload the silverware. When he hands me something I say, "thank you." He started saying thank you each time he hands me something. It's so cute.

- Towards the end of last week he started saying, "Watch. Watch Mommy" (or Daddy.) He says it until we say we're watching AND he sees us watching. It's funny because he feels the need to say it even when we are clearly watching him. Last night me & Parker were coming home from Brandon & Opal's. He kept saying, "Mommy. Watch. Watch. Watch. Mommy. Watch." I kept politely telling him that I would love to watch right then but I had to drive. When we finally stopped at a stop sign I turned around and he had his legs spread eagle, both propped up on the armrest. It was so funny! We both laughed.

- He started sleeping in more within the past 2 1/2 weeks. Now my question is, why hasn't he been sleeping in when I was staying home with him? It's like he knew he would be starting school and wanted to mess up our schedule! Hahaha. During the week we are sure to put him down around 8 so that he will wake up by 7:30.

- Last night I was putting Parker to bed. We were facing each other. He reached his little arm up, put it around my neck and kissed me multiple times. It melted my heart. It was so precious!

- His first week of school was a success. Caleb said on Friday when he left Parker that he didn't even cry. He got out of his arms and went over to the toys. He's learning A LOT and enjoying his time there. We are loving the webcam that we can sign on and watch him throughout the day. At the beginning of the week he would carry his backpack around with him. I called it his "man bag." (For those of you who watched Friends know what I'm talking about. :)) By Friday when we watched the webcam we didn't see the man bag with him.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Daddy's (Little) Helper

This morning while Caleb worked in the yard Parker and I went to our neighbors house for a bit. She had some ladies over for coffee and they brought their kids with them. Parker always enjoys going to their house because they have two four-wheelers. The blue one is broken, but Parker doesn't care what color it is!
We went to Target and then by my room. I'm not one to work "after-hours," but I needed to pick something up. Parker obviously loved my classroom. :)

While we were out and about this morning we decided to look at "bikes" for Parker. Although he has the A&M trike, he can't reach the peddles on it. It's still pretty big for him. He's become quite obsessed with bikes these days. We bought him what I like to call a cross between a trike and a four-wheeler. The seat is adjustable and the peddles have little plastic covers on them to help him reach them easier. He can't quite reach the peddles yet, but he LOVES riding around the living room on it! It was cute watching Parker help Caleb put it together and then after it was put together, Parker got the screw-driver out and worked on it. Now if it will only get cooler and stay cooler, Parker could enjoy all of his new outdoors toys.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The 12 Egg Omelet

Yep. That was our food tonight at dinner. We went to Hullabaloo's tonight with our neighbors and Caleb wanted to order the 12 egg omelet and we could share it. It was GI-NOR-MOUS AND DELICIOUS! The three of us ate on it PLUS our neighbor ate some and there was still a third of it left.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lovin' The Rain....

Even if it's just a few on and off sprinkles to cool the weather down! :)

Tonight we went with our neighbors, Angela & Addison, to the park. Parker rode in the wagon while Addison rode her bike. I wish I had a picture of the two of them together. Parker LOVED the swing. He was laughing so hard. I wished my phone was cool enough to take a video of him.

*Believe me, he is laughing really hard here. No crying at the park.*

On another note, Parker is LOVING his school! A teacher from another class told me this afternoon how Parker doesn't even really know her (because she's in another class), but he will see her and hug her in the hall. SO SWEET. I'm hoping tomorrow we get to bring all of his work home. Today they put blue paint on their feet and had them do foot prints on manila paper. Parker's was the only picture with a hand print. Ms. Penny said it was because he loved the blue paint so much.... I think it's ironic because he HATES getting his hands dirty and even the other day he wouldn't paint with pudding.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Pics from Swimming Last Saturday

Parker INSISTED on wearing this shoe combo.

Jumping to Daddy.

Getting ready to jump in!

Dance in the Rain

Parker had a great day at school. They said he is doing really well. When I picked him up he they were eating snack. He wanted out of his chair immediately and he ran over to me. I hugged him and he got down. He wasn't about to leave with those last 7 Cheerios on his table. haha At one point I'm pretty sure he stole a girls' Cheerios while I was talking to the teacher; a few fell on the ground and he was gobbling them up. (All while we weren't looking.)
After I picked him up we went to the mall. He was Mr. Independent. (Not that anyone is shocked.) He wanted his own drink; didn't want to eat the pretzel pieces I broke off for him- wanted to bite off the big pretzel; looked in EVERY window at EVERY item they had for sale. Once we got home we were sitting our my neighbors porch. Our other new neighbors came out to play. It started raining; Hayley and I let our kids play in the rain, of course until it started lightening. We tried to get a picture of the three of them playing, but no such luck with a 2, 5 and 6 year old.
Parker came straight inside and got in the bath. He played in the bath for over an hour! Two new things for Parker- playing in the rain & long baths!