Friday, September 30, 2011

Football Player

Parker says he's ready to play football.
The thing around his neck is "like what the Aggies wear."
I'm assuming it's the face mask?
He asked me if I wanted to play. I said sure...
Then he told me I could play in the band and handed me a long plastic thing and keeps telling me to play it. ;)

Lesson on Prayer.....

Parker is getting used to having Friday's off of school while Caleb works, but at first, Parker had a hard time understanding. A couple of weeks ago, on Thursday night, Caleb was explaining to Parker that he would be going to work the next day.
"Parker, tomorrow you get to sleep in and have a good day with no school at home with Mom while I go to work."
"I don't want you to go to work, Daddy."
"I wished I didn't have to go to work, Parker."
"What does that mean?"
"I wish means I don't want to go to work; I'd like to stay home too."
"Maybe you should pray to Jesus that I don't have to work tomorrow."

(I'm sure you can guess where this story is going. ;))

A few minutes later Parker leans on the couch, does his praying hands, closes his eyes and says, "Dear Jesus....."
Long pause....
Opens his eyes. Looks around.
"I don't know what to say."

Come to find out, he was praying for his Daddy to not have to go to work.
Caleb helped Parker with a prayer then we both explained to Parker that sometimes prayers aren't always answered how we want them to be.

*Caleb did work on Friday, but Saturday and Sunday he was home.... ;)

Parker Pics

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tree- Climbing

Parker is into tree- climbing these days.
There is a courtyard we walk by everyday at Sonshine School.
Each day we leave he gets to climb a tree....
He says, "I've been a big boy, I get to climb a tree."

He's ready for Halloween with his Halloween gear on. :)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Tony Romo Came to College Station :)

Cutest Neighborhood Watch I've ever seen....

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Big Brother Party

Today we had a Big Brother Party for Parker. It was a great reason to get all of our family together and have a cook out. We all made a big deal about Parker becoming a big brother. He's super excited and had a great time at the party!

We couldn't get a picture that was good of all 3 of us,
so here's one where Caleb and I are looking...
Here's a cute pic of the boys:
Parker got lots of books (4 of the same book- which became a running joke of the day), a few toys, matching clothes for Parker and Cooper and 2 cute Big Brother Shirts. Cooper also got a few things for when he decides to arrive.
We had a great time visiting with everyone! We are truly blessed to have such supportive family. Parker is prepared to be a big brother now!
Thanks to everyone who came out and helped us celebrate!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Hide N Go Seek at it's Best.....

Parker has been known to open the front door on his own and sneak out back through the doggie door- both of which give me a heart attack thinking about it. So every time we are here alone and get in the shower I give him a spill about how he needs to stay inside, blah, blah. I also usually call him into the bathroom at least once to ask him something or tell him something. Today when I got out of the shower I couldn't find him. My heart sank. I called his name several times and then I finally hear his sweet little voice say, "I'm hiding." I turn around and see his cute head popping out of the top of the couch cushions.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Such a Wise Old Soul

I stayed home sick yesterday with a slight touch of a bug. More than anything, I had no energy, couldn't eat anything and stayed in bed 90% of the day.
Last night Parker told me that I should take a bath... it would make me feel better.
Such a sweet, wise boy! :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Parker's First Aggie Game

After the game:

Tonight the Aggies played Idaho and we were able to get Parker a ticket through the Junior Aggies Club. He was super pumped about going with us- as he had been talking about it for weeks. We went to Anderson's high school football game last weekend and Parker was expecting it to be like that... although he didn't really know what to expect. He kept asking questions. It was so fun to watch him experience his first Aggie game!

This is from when we first arrived at the game. He was soaking it all in!
*Notice he had his binoculars around his neck. ;)
He was testing out his binoculars and watching the players warm-up before the game.
He made his Daddy take his binoculars. Here they are checking out the big binoculars.
Towards the end of the second quarter Parker was getting a little restless. I took him up to the concession stand and we bought popcorn. We sat up there for a while, munched on the super salty popcorn and people watched. Then it was half time. He was mesmerized by the band marching at half time. We stand while the Aggie Band marches on the field- I held him and he soaked it all in. (He also thought it was super funny when his Daddy told him he used to play a tuba!)
During the second half Parker did GREAT.
We were extremely impressed with how well he did!

He had a great time! The Aggies won. 37-7.
Here Parker is running to the car....

On our way to the car we passed the spot where motorcycles park.
There was a guy and a girl getting on a blue motorcycle and he wanted to watch them drive off.
He sat on the sidewalk and watched them.
It's so funny that he is so obsessed with motorcycles.
I keep telling him how dangerous they are and that he will have to be an old, old man before he ever gets one! haha

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


So today on the way home from school, I asked Parker what he did today.
"We went to chapel!"
"How exciting. What did you learn there?"
He mumbled a little and then said, "and then we said, AMEN!"

He is still LOVING SCHOOL.
He has never once cried.
I don't even have to hide from him when he's in the hall or walking by my room. He will smile really big and say, "Momma!" and then keep going.
I'm so, so, so, so thankful!

We LOVE Sonshine School!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


We were super busy doing stuff around the house today. We unloaded the fridge and took the shelves out and scrubbed them down outside. Parker was a super big help. Seriously.
I love that he is so eager to help with pretty much anything.
Washing the shelves lead to playing in the water, which then lead to returning to the water again this evening. He entertained himself for the longest time!
We're so thankful that the weather is now more bearable to be outside- especially in the evenings!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Our Funday Friday

Parker and I enjoyed our day off today!
We started out with a doctor appointment to check on Cooper.
Dr. Gayle said that all looks well and we're still measuring ahead of schedule.

We headed to BJ's for lunch.
He's into winking these days.
We topped off lunch with a Cookiepoozie dessert.... it's a small chocolate chip cookie topped with vanilla ice cream. SO YUMMY!
Parker is into drinking the rest of his cereal milk and today he insisted on drinking the rest of the melted, left over ice cream.
It was so good that it was a tilt your head back to finish it off!
He asked earlier in the week if we could go back to UPaint It to paint a truck he saw last time we were there. Wednesday's and Friday's are half off studio fee for kids, so we went today. He was super excited.
(We're still working on a "real smile.")
After UPaint it we went home and napped. I had to wake him up after 2 1/2 hours! He's exhausted from our new school/ work schedule!
Once he woke up, we headed to the mall to ride a train he saw with GiGi when she was in town.
This is how he entered the mall....
I asked him to leave the goggles in the vehicle and he said he needed to take them inside. I figured it wasn't worth the explanation as to why he wouldn't need them, so off we went.
He thought these shoes were super funny.
Here's a pic of the train.
It was pretty fun and well worth the ticket!

We went all through the mall and got our money worth! I know we'll be going back!

"Morning Reading"

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Bath Time

I took these pics of Parker a few weeks ago, but am just now getting them uploaded.
It was his idea to put the kitchen items in the bath & wear the strainer as a hat-
Both were such great ideas!
Don't you just want to pinch those little buns in the first pic?!??!?!

After School Today...

Yesterday Parker asked if he could climb the trees with another girl who was out there climbing the trees. I explained that we could go look at the trees another day, but we weren't going to climb the trees.
He's obsessed with wanting to climb them.
Today we stopped and he was supposed to just look at the trees. He did "just stand" in it, but that's all I would go for.
I was loading my stuff in the car and Parker had climbed to the front and was looking at himself in the mirror doing his eyes like this:

He explained that "that guy in my class did that last weekend." (Everything is last weekend with Parker.)