Saturday, August 21, 2010

Daddy's (Little) Helper

This morning while Caleb worked in the yard Parker and I went to our neighbors house for a bit. She had some ladies over for coffee and they brought their kids with them. Parker always enjoys going to their house because they have two four-wheelers. The blue one is broken, but Parker doesn't care what color it is!
We went to Target and then by my room. I'm not one to work "after-hours," but I needed to pick something up. Parker obviously loved my classroom. :)

While we were out and about this morning we decided to look at "bikes" for Parker. Although he has the A&M trike, he can't reach the peddles on it. It's still pretty big for him. He's become quite obsessed with bikes these days. We bought him what I like to call a cross between a trike and a four-wheeler. The seat is adjustable and the peddles have little plastic covers on them to help him reach them easier. He can't quite reach the peddles yet, but he LOVES riding around the living room on it! It was cute watching Parker help Caleb put it together and then after it was put together, Parker got the screw-driver out and worked on it. Now if it will only get cooler and stay cooler, Parker could enjoy all of his new outdoors toys.

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