Sunday, October 20, 2013

It's a Monumental Day!

Parker has on jeans and didn't complain a bit about wearing them! Don't they both look cute? 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Big Boy, Coop!

Guess who used the potty last night and this morning?!?!? 

Friday, October 4, 2013


Parker is wanting to go on a cruise. Here is how the conversation went between Caleb & Parker: 
C- Your mom needs to work more hours so we can go on one. 
P- Weeeelllll your job pays more than hers. 

While playing Subway Surfer on Caleb's phone while riding the train home from the State Fair, Parker says "it's kind of funny I'm playing Subway Surfer on the subway.... they sometimes call trains subways."

P- "Mom. Can I go to school yet?"
Me- "No, it's only 7:50. No one is there."
Long pause. 
P- "Well someone has to be the first one there."