Saturday, April 28, 2012

Workin' in Heaven

Today we were grocery shopping and I bought Borden cheese. I asked Parker if he knew that his Grampsy used to work at Borden's. He very matter of factly said, "Yes and he works in heaven now." I turned my head and let tears stream down my face for a second then dried them up because I didn't want to explain to him in the grocery store why I was upset. So many times in the past few weeks I've wanted to ask Gramps something- needed a little advice. 
Hug the ones you love and tell them how much they mean to you. One day God is going to need them back to work in heaven.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Big Time Now...

We FINALLY got the walker out of the attic for Cooper to wheel around in. He was so cute when we first put him in it- he smiled really big, then he started jumping in it. He LOVES his jumper and thought that's what he was supposed to do. He is figuring out that he is mobile. He is so, so proud of himself. ;)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

How cute are they?!?!?!?

Cooper engaged in his Bible class today at Sonshine School

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

headed into school
love my 3 boys

Monday, April 9, 2012


(applesauce and avocado left overs on his face and bib)

We finally slowed down around here long enough to start Cooper on solids. Last Sunday he started with sweet potatoes. Thursday he moved on to apple sauce and today he started avocado. Saying that he loves to eat is an understatement. He quickly went from eating once a day to eating three meals a day when we eat. I forgot how fun it is to see a baby's expression when they start new food.

Pic from October 22, 2011

Parker has been running a fever on and off since Saturday, so we stayed home from work/ school today. Parker spent the majority of the day laying around watching movies. I was able to work on the blog since it's been neglected for the past 2 1/2 months. As I was downloading pictures to my computer to put on here I saw this picture. It brought tears to my eyes. This was taken October 22, 2011. 5 months before Gramps would go home to be with Jesus. What i wouldn't give right now to hear his voice one more time or a hug. So far in 2012, I have learned to slow down, have more patience and embrace each moment we are given- especially with those closest to us.
Gramps - you were one of a kind. Love you more than you know.

Take a Look at This...

When looking through pictures at Granny's house, we found this picture of my Uncle Kevin:
Here are a couple of pictures of Cooper that I quickly uploaded on here:

Are you thinking what we are thinking?
See the resemblance?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy Thursday!

Parker ready for his Easter Egg Hunt and Party at school.

Cooper enjoying apple sauce.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Getting Ready for Some Easter Festivities

This year Parker made bird nests and bunny food. He had a lot of fun.
He is such a great help in the kitchen.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Easter Bunny

Who needs the creepy Easter Bunny at the mall when you have a bunny at church?
*That's as close as Parker would get to him.