Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tractor Pull

This weekend I am going to the Women of Faith Conference at the American Airlines Center in Dallas with my Mom. I have wanted to go for a while, but it's always the weekend before school begins. So this year I am able to go.
Parker and I headed to Irving this morning and came straight over to my Nana and Papa's. After Parker ate lunch, we went outside. Since their yard is 95% shaded, it wasn't too hot. My Nana had been wanting to take Parker around in the wagon, well Papa thought he would top her (which he did) by pulling Parker in the wagon behind his riding lawn mower. Nana had to ride with him so he wouldn't climb over the sides. It was a sight to see!! Parker enjoyed every minute of it!!! He loves being outside!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bath Attire

Tonight Caleb gave Parker his bath and then decided to let Parker play a little while still in his "bath attire." Be sure you examine the entire picture. :)


So we've all been waiting for the day that Parker begins talking. We've also been wondering what his first words will be. Well, yesterday he started saying "Momma" several times.

Yesterday morning, Caleb and I both heard him say something that sounded like "Momma," but we weren't for sure that's what he was saying. Then yesterday afternoon he said it about 4 times in a row. It was so sweet. I couldn't get him to say "Momma" once Caleb got home, but when I was changing his diaper I said "MMM" and then he said "Momma" several times. He was also saying "Momma" several times this morning. Now he just needs to start saying "Daddy." :)

Monday, August 17, 2009


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Family Pictures

My friend, Brenda McDonald, who took Parker's pics in the bluebonnets, took our family pictures last night. It was very difficult to get everyone to look at the camera and smile, but Brenda did a great job! We were out there about 30 minutes and it was so hot! We were pretty sweaty and thirsty!

You can view the pictures at:

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Porch Time

As I mentioned yesterday in my post, Parker loves to dash for the back door when we open it for the dogs. Yesterday afternoon I let him wonder out on the porch since it's shaded in the afternoon and it's nice. He played with a couple of things we have back there and then started crawling around. He doesn't realize that when he crawls on the concrete that his little knees are getting scratched up.

Today I opened the back door for the dogs and like a reflex, Parker headed to the back door. I thought about interjecting his mission and encouraging him to detour elsewhere, but decided against it. I really didn't want to have to keep telling him not to crawl, so I got one of our extra blankets and spread it out on the back porch. It takes up 80% of the porch, now I just have to encourage him to stay on the blanket.

Monday, August 10, 2009

9 Months?!?!?

Caleb and I were talking last night, wondering where the past nine months have gone?!?! It seems like just yesterday we were anxiously awaiting Parker's arrival and now we're going 90 to nothing following him around the house. I only wish I had half of the energy that Parker has! :) (I guess if I took at many naps, maybe I would!?!)

Here are just a FEW of the milestones Parker has accomplished in the last nine months:

- He gets soooooooo excited when we put him in his highchair!
- Two top teeth; his bottom teeth are trying to break through
- Holds his own sippy cup
- GI Joe crawling around everywhere
- New toys that have taken over our house!
(They are in the livingroom, his room and at times in the kitchen,
our bathroom or the guestroom and even in the car!)
- Sleeping in his very own bed in his room! :)
- New, bigger car seat
- Climbing on and through everything possible

- He loves chasing the dogs, especially in his walker. We are still working on "gently" petting them.

- If the backdoor is opened, he crawls outside.
You have to be super quick to shut it!
It doesn't phase him that his little knees are getting scratched.
(We are convinced that he has an extremely high pain tolerance.)

- He loves to go on a stroller ride around the neighborhood in the evenings. He won't sit back in his stroller either. He has his little neck peering around, making sure he doesn't miss a thing!

- "Normal" poop now, now that mustard yellow cottage cheese stuff!
(That stuff was messy, but at least it didn't stink!)

- Feeding himself little finger foods

- Reaching for his Daddy now (and other people).

- Gives great hugs and kisses.

- He gets into everything!
We like to call him Nosey Rosey.
(Knock on wood, he still hasn't discovered the kitchen cabinets!)

- He loves for you to hold both of his hands while he walks.

Galveston 2009

This summer, Parker has become quite the 'lil traveler. July was a very busy month for us! Here are some pictures from our most recent trip. We went to Galveston and met up with some of my very best friends from high school- Ashley and Lauren, along with some of Lauren's friends. We had a great time and Parker was the center of attention for everyone! (Sorry the pics aren't in order!)
Ash, Me, Parker and Lauren
I was obsessed with keeping sunblock on him, although he didn't leave from under the umbrella.
On the way, we stopped at the Galleria in Downtown Houston to break up the trip. Parker thought he was big stuff here!
Parker scoping out the place and his toys right after we arrived.
We were trying to take a family picture and Parker thought it was hilarious to pull my hair! We just let him; we thought the picture was appropriate for him. :)
Ready to go eat dinner.
Kisses from his Aunt Ashley
Parker is the head of the table!
"Mom, why won't you let me off of this towel and really enjoy the sand?"
"Because you will get it in your little eyeballs and scream."
I'm pretty sure he was trying to eat the sand.
I'm pretty sure he was successful.
Enjoying the beach from under the umbrella.
"I would really like to fully enjoy all this sand!"
Parker and The Ashley's :)
Woooh, it was windy!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

9 Months...

Well, I've been telling myself for a while that I need to start a blog so people can keep up with all that is going on in our house. It hasn't really been on the top of my priority list, but Parker did some funny things today and I am tired of telling the same story over and over again. I decided that I would enter the wonderful world of "blogging" and people could read up on us. I really hope to keep up with this better than the other site we had for Parker.
Parker is now 9 months old. He had his 9 month check up on Monday. He's 19.5 lbs, 29.5 inches long. He's just below average on his weight and in the 90 percentile on his height. His doctor, Dr. Henderson, said that Parker's four front teeth would probably come in at the same time. Dr. Henderson must really know what he's talking about because on Tuesday, Parker's top two teeth began busting through his little gums. He looks so cute with his little teeth! He's been a little fussy, especially during the night, but we've been giving him ibuprofen and tonight I went to buy some teething tablets that several people swear by. I'm hoping they help Mr. Parker feel better.
On Thursday's Parker goes to Mother's Day Out from 9-3. Today was the first time that he stayed the whole time. The first week I got a call saying that Parker "had had enough of them for the day." Then last week, he was a little better. Today was "Splash Day" and I went on and on to the teachers about how Parker will have so much fun in the water. I was wrong. According to the teachers, Parker screamed on and off the whole time he was there. He did not like the water and he fights his sleep (duh). I told them I quite trying to figure Mr. Parker out. I picked him up and put him in his carseat to come home. He quickly climbed out and stood up right next to me. (I was sitting in the backseat right next to him.) He put his little arms around my neck. I'm not sure if he was hugging me or making sure I wasn't going anywhere! It pretty much made my heart melt.
Once we got home, I fought with Parker for an hour to take a nap. After I had been fighthing with him for 45 minutes, I laid down with him in my bed. He FINALLY fell asleep. I put pillows all around him. I know that now that he's crawling I shouldn't put him on the bed, but after 45 minutes of fighting with him, I was DESPERATE to say the least!!! I got out of the bed and went in the other room. I kept checking in on him. He had been asleep (I thought anyways) for about 40 minutes when I hear one short scream. I quickly opened the door and dashed in my room to find him on top of Caleb's night stand. He had cried out for my help because he needed help getting his little legs on the nightstand. He is definetly ALL BOY!
One last funny thing for today...
Caleb got home at about 8:30 tonight... just in time to chaperone the wrestling match staring Parker and sleep. :) Caleb has been doing a phenomenal job helping with the wrestling match lately. Anytime that Parker screams (notice I don't use the word cry for a reason!) out at night, Caleb goes in his room, doesn't say anything to Parker, lays him down and begins patting Parker's bottom. He's very successful at getting Parker back to sleep. Caleb had gone into Parker's room a couple times tonight when Parker would scream out. Parker would be standing or sitting up in his crib. Caleb would do like he always does- lay Parker down and pat his bottom. The last time Parker screamed out, Caleb walked in his room and Parker just laid over on his bed. I guess he knew what was going to happen. :) Caleb got him to sleep and came in the livingroom. He said, "Man, that kid just makes me laugh."
After re-reading this, I realize that it's not near as funny as when we talk about it. I just wish that in all of these situations we had our video camera with us.
Tomorrow we are going to my friend Wendi's house so Parker can play with her daughter, Addison. We'll see how many times Parker tries to kiss Addison and how many times she runs away from him! :)