Monday, January 23, 2012

Family Photo Shoot

Here are a FEW of the pictures from our photo shoot last Sunday.
The ones of Cooper crying are not a typical face he does.
So many good ones- it's going to be hard to choose which ones we want to print!

Monday, January 16, 2012


Today we were off of work/ school for MLK Day. We had a great day! I'm bummed I didn't take any pictures though.
We met a bunch of friends at Bee Creek Park. Then we went to Sam's, came home and rested and then hung around the house.
Great day.
The boys both had a great time too.
Only one melt down when the receipt from Sam's blew out of Parker's hands.

Enjoying his day at school
Cooper watching his big brother

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

Today we had our first date at the Kettle as a group of 3.
You can see how it went... Cooper slept & Parker enjoyed himself.
Here he is "writing his name."
Parker has a super big imagination these days.
Here he was cooking in the bath.
He had a good time playing in the bath; he was probably in there about 45 minutes!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Black & White Day at Sonshine School

I'm loving having Cooper in my class! He's such a good baby.... he eats, sleeps and absorbs all the noises and sights in. Love him.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy 3rd Mirthday, Cooper!

It's crazy to think how quick the past 3 months have flown by.
It's also crazy to think how much Cooper has grown.
Everyone who sees him comments something along the lines of, "Wow. He's gotten so big. Wow."
In the past couple of weeks Cooper has also started "talking." It's so cute- it's like he is carrying on a conversation.
He also LOVES his big brother. Parker talks to Cooper and Cooper just laughs and listens. It's so sweet.
He's doing great at Sonshine School. I wear him in my Moby Wrap part of the day. The other time he sleeps in a swing and plays (sits) in the exercauser. We weighed him at school and he's 14 lbs. I'm curious to see how much he weighs at his 4 month doctors appointment.
Cooper is sleeping pretty good at night too. Usually he goes from 8 pm- 4 or 5 am. Love that!
He eats anywhere between 4-6 ounces of formula. He takes exclusively the bottle now. His reflux seems to be doing better. Earlier this week he was spitting up a lot, but we realized that he was over eating.
Caleb still says he looks like me. I still say he looks so much like Granny. (I know, I know. I look like Granny.) Not gonna lie. I enjoy having a baby who looks like me. ;)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy Wednesday!

Isn't that the cutest smile you've ever seen?
"See Mom, it went like this...."
Parker is into playing instruments. Here he has made himself a drum with the lid from a toy and his hammer is the drum stick.
*NO ONE better get the idea of getting him a drum set for our house. ;)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Playing with Kathryn

This morning we went over to visit Kammi, Kathryn and Evan.
Parker and Kathryn always have a good time together.
Here Parker is playing with Kathryn's (Barbie) guitar.
He loves instruments.

Kathryn is showing Parker something.

Sunday, January 1, 2012