Monday, August 16, 2010

Parker's Day Re-capped

Today I picked Parker up a little after 4. Right before I got there he busted his lip. They evacuated the room; I'm assuming because he was bleeding. They have a short two shelve bookshelf and he leaned over to get a book. He hit his tooth on his lip. He didn't cry too much and he didn't want ice on it. Ms. Penny, his teacher, was more upset than he was. I ended up taking him to our friends' house who's a dentist. He said for us to watch it and make sure it doesn't get inflamed and discolored. If so, we have to take him to a pediatric dentist.
Other than that, he had a great day. The daycare has a family picture of us on the wall and they are teaching the kids that they can carry the family picture with them whenever they want to feel close to us. Parker carried his on the playground this morning and they said he did well by doing that. They also painted with pudding on construction paper. All the other kids' pictures are pretty messy. Parker had a few stripes of pudding. He's not one to want his hands dirty.
At lunch his teacher told him that Mommy made his food for him. Apparently they pray with each child for their food. Parker thanked Jesus for his food and for Mommy making his food. Throughout lunch he would smile and say Mommy.
He had a great nap- no crying- and he slept with his backpack. Random, I know! haha

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