Sunday, August 15, 2010

He's Already Workin' Us

Today we went to church and then came home to eat lunch and Parker to nap. He needed to rest up for our fun pool party with our Sunday School class. He thoroughly enjoyed the pool. When it was time to eat dinner, Caleb had him outside and I was inside. Apparently someone told Parker that the food options were hamburgers and hot dogs. I opened the back door and Parker was saying, "hot dog. hot dog. hot dog. hot dog." When he saw me he leaned over to me (Caleb was holding him) and he said very boldly, "Hot Dog."
Needless to say, I fixed him a hot dog. He ate all of the bread and almost all of the wiener. He was content until he heard us talking about cake. He started saying, "cake. cake. cake." (You get the point.) I got us a piece of cake to share; might I add that our sharing was very equal. Once we polished off the cake he turned to an adult sitting on the other side of him and started asking her for cake. cake. cake. cake. We told him that he had eaten is share of cake and he could have more hot dog. That was not the answer he wanted. When he heard Caleb's voice in the kitchen, he went in there and started in on him for cake. Thank goodness another mom was in there and she told Caleb that I had already denied him more cake.
He's already trying to work the system here.

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