Sunday, August 29, 2010

Happy 22 Mirthday, Parker- Man!

Parker, my mom and I stayed home from church today. We got stuff done around the house while Parker still recuperated. Today was the first day he has eaten a good meal.. he ate two at that! Granny and Gramps came in town tonight to keep Parker for us tomorrow. We wanted to keep him home one more day to ensure his ears and allergies aren't acting up anymore. I know they are all going to enjoy each other.
On another note, Caleb puts Parker to bed the majority of the time- Parker's choice. Caleb put him to bed tonight but didn't lay in bed with him for long. He said that when he got up to leave Parker's room, Parker was tapping his hand on the bed saying, "Daddy. Daddy. Daddy." where Caleb was laying. He didn't want him to leave.

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