Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday Fun-day with our Family! :)

The pics are out of chronological order, but you get the idea...
Tonight we went to Lake Bryan and ate at the Hook.
We left once it was getting dark and the "night crowd" was gathering.
Of course Parker LOVED hanging out there.
He rearranged many of the chairs and enjoyed watching the few boats that were out in the lake. I attempted taking about 20 pictures, but they were all blurry because Mr. Parker isn't as cooperative now days when it comes to taking pics.

He HAS to play in the vehicle before we get out.
It was so nice out last night that we all sat in the car (all of us except Ranger who wanted to go back inside the house) for a few minutes.
He was in HEAVEN.
This afternoon Caleb was eating a popsicle and Parker decided he wanted one. Caleb would end up eating it because Parker wasn't eating them fast enough. 6 popsicles later, we went outside and let Parker eat two popsicles all by himself.
When Caleb would ask for a bite, Parker would run to the corner in the porch. He was determined to not share anymore with his Daddy.

Here he is making me nervous standing in the chair on our neighbors porch.

Parker thought it was hilarious that Patches was "eating a popsicle."
Really Patches was chewing on an empty popsicle stick.

While we were outside, Parker stood on the driveway and kept calling for Ranger and Patches to come home- they were sniffing around the neighbors yard. It's so cute to hear him call "Patch and Ra." He's almost able say "Ranger."

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