Friday, September 10, 2010

Finally Friday!

Parker went to the doctor this morning to have his ears checked. Dr. Henderson said that if he weren't better by Friday that he would like to see him again. Since Parker shows no real signs of an ear infection except fever, we decided it was best to take him in.
Dr. Henderson said that his ears are better. If new symptoms show up this weekend he wants to see him again.
He also said the protocol for tubes is that if a child has about 6 ear infections in a years span OR 1 ear infection that they can't get over, that they do tubes.
So Parker has more of his Amoxi-Clav to take. If what happens this time, happens again, we're looking at tubes. We are truly praying for a miracle so we don't have to go through that.


Parker and I were supposed to drive to Irving for Patrick and Lauren's shower tomorrow. When I got home from school Granny said that Parker had started running fever again. We are going to hold off on our trip to Irving and see how he does tonight. Hopefully he will do okay tonight and we can head to Irving in the morning.
Granny and Gramps went ahead and went home. We are going to miss having them here tonight. We enjoy their company and Parker loves playing with Gramps. Gramps can't even go to the restroom without Parker asking, "where's Gramps?"
So cute.

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