Thursday, September 9, 2010

"Goodness, Mom and Dad. Can't y'all pick up your shoes?"

Parker was home with Granny and Gramps again today. I'm pretty sure he will be out the rest of the week. He still doesn't act like he feels bad- he has tons of energy and goes 90 to nothing, but he still has a fever.
Today Granny said that Parker got on a kick about some shoes that Caleb and I had out in the living room. He apparently thought they needed to be put up where they belong. She said that he picked each one up and carried them to the back of our closet. I went and checked- sure enough they were all in our closet with the rest of the shoes.
It cracks me up that he's so meticulous about things. I'm curious as to if it's a phase or this is how he is.

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