Friday, September 24, 2010

Another Shot.

This afternoon Parker got his second of three shots.
As soon as we drove up in the parking lot he started crying. I calmed him down by assuring him that I would take him to get ice cream after we saw the doctor.
He got his shot and it was painful. He cried but was a big boy.
He took his bandaid off again and immediately wanted it in the trash. He kept patting his leg saying, "doctor. doctor. doctor."
It hurt.
The nurse gave him a sticker and sucker. He loved the sucker. When we were getting on the elevator, I told him that before we left the building he was going to throw his sucker away so we could go get ice cream. He looked at his sucker and said trash. He started looking around for a trashcan. I explained that he could have his sucker til we got off the elevator. (At this point we were still waiting to get on the elevator.) He spotted a trash and gladly threw his sucker away.

We went to Spoons for ice cream. He wanted to sit outside but there were NO spots outside. I thought that by sitting by the window that would suffice.
I didn't know what I was going to do because EVERY table was full outside. I tried distracting him by trying to feed him ice cream.
So I put him on my hip (he was still sore from the shot in his leg), purse on my shoulder, ice cream in one hand and chair in the other.
We took one chair out on the patio and sat there and ate our ice cream.
He was happy and loved his treat for being a big boy at the hospital.
We filled up our frequent card at Spoons and have a free ice cream waiting on us. Guess we'll go Monday after his third and final shot.

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