Tuesday, September 7, 2010


So yesterday Parker started running fever. This morning at 4:15 it was up to 104. After 4 popsicles, a 40 minute bath, Tylenol and Ibuprofren, he was back asleep at 5:30.
Caleb took off to stay with him and they went to the doctor. Apparently Parker has a very, very, very high pain tolerance. His double ear infection never healed and it's worse than it was before. After he finished taking the antibiotics last Friday, there was nothing to fight the rest of the infection. Only one time in the last two weeks has Parker said "ear hurt." (Even when he said that, we thought he was just saying that because we had been asking him if his ears hurt.) The ONLY way we knew he was having issues is from the fever and the doctor.
Poor little Parker- man.
He is running around and playing just like nothing is wrong. We are keeping him medicated with his new meds and Ibuprofren.

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