Saturday, September 25, 2010

Lunch, Firestation and Grandparents = Trip to Irving

Last night we drove to Irving just for a weekend visit. The FIRST time this YEAR that we have not had an obligation in Irving (ie. wedding or a wedding shower).
For lunch today we met part of the Story's at Babe's. Our favorite place to eat, I'm pretty sure, in the whole world.
Unlimited food.
Great atmosphere.
And with our family who we haven't seen near enough this year.
(Hopefully Terry will email me pics so we can post them from our lunch.)
At Babe's there was a chicken in the rafters.
Oh- the chicken was fake.
Caleb made the comment that he hoped that the chicken didn't poop on anyone's head.
Guess what Parker said the ENTIRE lunch?
He would point to the chicken and say, "chicken poop."
Uncle Kenny was not able to join us for lunch because he was working. So we visited him at the fire station.
Parker was in heaven.
Ken works at the Las Colinas fire station.
The firemen gave Parker a badge sticker and color book. (And a few extras for later.)
At first Parker was mesmerized by the tractors across the street until Ken allowed Caleb and Parker to get on the fire truck.

Here they are looking at all of the hoses. Parker thought it was pretty cool.
Ken told Caleb and Parker to get in the passenger side of the truck and that they would pull the truck out on the driveway and then spray some water.

Loaded up and ready to go.

Parker cried when he had to get out of the truck. He wasn't ready for his time in truck to end.
He was fine once Uncle Kenny sprayed water for him and then allowed Parker to spray the water, of course with Dad's assistance.
Once they were finished spraying water Caleb, Parker and Uncle Kenny loaded up in the truck and we thought they were going to back the truck in.
Think again.
THEY DROVE OFF! I was standing there watching them drive off!
They went around the block. Caleb called this VIP treatment. It's the perk of your uncle being the official driver of the truck (even though 2 of the guys at the station pointed out that the new curbs at the fire station were rounded off for Ken. haha.) .
After they came back and backed the truck in, Parker kept saying tractor. tractor. tractor.
He had somehow spotted their mowing tractor that was stashed between two trucks.
He's so observant.
Of course the trip wouldn't have been complete without Parker sitting on the tractor.
We really enjoyed the visit. After we left, Caleb told Parker he didn't know who enjoyed the fire station more- Daddy or Parker.
It's so neat that we went by there because I would visit the fire station when I was smaller. Uncle Kenny was stationed right around the corner from Granny & Gramps' house. I thought this was what all kids did- visited the fire station! :)

After the fire station visit, we went to Nana and Papa's house.
Here are a few pics:

Playing after his bath.
Papa likes to say, "I'm going to get you."
So Parker would say, "Papa gonna get you."
It was so cute.
After we left Nana and Papa's house, we went by Granny and Gramps's. They had just got back in town from Glorietta, NM. Parker loved getting to see them, even if it was just for a few minutes.

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