Thursday, May 20, 2010

There's a FIRST time for EVERYTHING

Parker has come a very long way since we started taking him to Mother's Day Out...
The very first time I took him, they called me about 3 hours later and said that he had had enough of them for the day. (He screamed the WHOLE time.) Most days he doesn't fuss at all when I drop him off. He usually can't get out of our front door quick enough to load up to head to school. When I pick him up he's excited to see me and loves telling his teachers bye. UNTIL yesterday... I picked him up he was in his new class (he plays over there, but still eats and sleeps in the baby room until June) and he would not come to me. It took several minutes of trying to convince him that it was time to go home. He was not interested. Finally I took him from his teachers arms and we left. He fussed for a few minutes.
It makes me feel good to know that he loves school so much that he's not ready to leave. :)

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