Thursday, May 27, 2010

School's Out for Summer.... AKA 2 WEEKS!

Today was Parker's last day of school. He begins back in two weeks, but he will be in the next class.

His teachers, Granny Reva and Ms. Debby, were wonderful this year! They have worked with him on a lot of things: screaming when I leave, screaming when it's time to sleep, feeding himself, sleeping on the nap mat and the list could go on and on. Tuesday Granny Reva said she was sad that she was about to loose Parker to the next class. I told her that I was sad too but I needed to get used to this. He's not even in "big school" yet and then I'll have to do this every year! ha

His next teachers, Ms. Megan and Ms. Tricia, are already used to have Parker around- he has been going to play with them for months. The adjustment will hopefully go very smooth.

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