Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Surgery Day.

Waiting for the big surgery to take place.
It's early and we were tired,
but once Parker got over the fact that he was awakened at 6 am, he was okay.

Post surgery:
A little tired.
But no worries, it didn't last long.

The doctor was right.
We were home by 8 am.
As soon as we were leaving the surgery center parking lot, Parker wanted his surgery bracelet cut off of his ankle. I assured him we would do it once we were home.
We pulled in the driveway. He was a totally different kid than when we left the surgery center. I thought for sure we'd get a nap in the morning.
He wanted to play in my car.
Once I got him inside, he wanted his ankle bracelet cut off, clothes changed, shoes on, go outside, eat, apple juice.
You see how our day went. :)

Parker watched Elmo on TV at Blaine's house yesterday. He asked me to turn Elmo on last night, but it wasn't on. I distracted him enough. This morning when we got home he wanted to watch it and kept on. I thought to myself, "you know, the least I could do is get him a movie since he did have surgery today."
So at 9 am we loaded up and went to Kroger's to check the Red Box.
No luck.
In the mean time, as I was checking Red Box, Parker climbed in to the shopping carts that have the (germy) cars on the front. I wanted to go in to Starbucks for a coffee, so guess what I did...
Pushed THIS HUGE shopping cart with the (germy) car on the front that has no turning radius up to the Starbucks counter.
Picture it.
We took up enough room in the Starbucks line for 5 people.
The guy in front of us was laughing at us.
So our next stop was Blockbuster. It wasn't opened, but it is connected to Mc Donald's that has a cool indoor play area.
As soon as we pulled up, Parker started clapping and saying, "Old McDonald's. Old McDonald's. Old McDonald's." (You get the picture.)
So you guessed it, we went to McDonald's and played.
At 9:45 I finally convinced him to leave and we'd go find his movie.
We ended up at Hastings and rented an Elmo movie and two train movies.
I had to take a pic of him watching it. It lasted all of 20 minutes the entire day.

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