Saturday, October 2, 2010


Today Parker and I met my mom, Lauren, and her mom and friends in Canton for First Monday. It was GREAT weather, but apparently every one else thought so too!
It's been since January 2009 since we've been. There were a lot of new buildings and a lot more vendors.
We really enjoyed seeing Lauren and her family. Lauren looks so cute pregnant. Kingsley is due in February and I CANNOT wait for her to arrive!
Parker was a really big boy today. He rode in his wagon the whole time and thought it was neat to see all the dogs people had with them. One dog was very, very friendly and even licked him. On the way home, Parker was still talking about the dog licking him.
I told him that when we got home he could tell Daddy that he was a big boy shopping all day. He kept saying, "Daddy. Shopping."
He told his Daddy when he got home too. He's so smart and remembers everything. :)

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