Friday, October 29, 2010

Fall Party at School

Parker's Fall Party was this afternoon at his school. He spent the day at our house with his Mammy and I had to wake him up from his nap to get him ready to go. He DID NOT want to wear his cowboy gear. The only thing that he wanted to wear was what he had on- his airplane shirt; a Halloween shirt wouldn't suffice. The little girl in the picture is Zoey. Apparently they are an "item" in their class. The teacher and other parents were laughing about it. (She is the one who bit him several weeks ago.) She is dropping to part time and will be going to school opposite days from Parker.

The first picture is of the treats we made for Parker's class. They are empty tuna cans spray painted orange. (Thanks to Nana and Papa and Angela, our wonderful neighbor, for all of the cans.) Caleb drilled wholes in the cans and then we used pipe cleaners for the handles. We filled his teachers' pumpkins with candy and the students had foam stickers, mini-playdough and Mickey Mouse ring.

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