Friday, October 22, 2010

Busted Lip.

My phone is on my desk. I saw it vibrating, but I didn't get to it in time.
I saw that it was Parker's school.
My heart fell.
His party is tomorrow.
I called back....
"Ashley. This is Penny. It started raining while the kids were outside and they were coming inside. Parker fell and busted his lip open. Caleb is on his way, but you may want to come see him. I think it's pretty bad. I'm really sorry, Ashley."

-Stay calm, Ashley, stay calm.-

"It's okay, Penny. These things happen, especially with boys."
"I know but Parker is my boy."
She was almost in tears; her voice was shaking.

I went across the hall to the other teacher. I told her I didn't know what to do but I needed to go to my son's school; Parker's lip is busted and they don't know how bad it is.

As I'm telling her this, the ER, stitches, screaming, blood are all flashing through my mind.
(Not to mention that we still had a few things to do to get ready for the party.)

I called the front office and explained. Within 2 minutes, another teacher walked in my room and I left. It occurred to me later that I never told the teacher who was covering my class what she needed to do. Thankfully, the teacher across the hall did that before she even got to my room.

I called Caleb on my way to Parker's school.
He dropped his route for the day and was headed to Parker's school.
Ms. Penny had called him immediately when she couldn't get me. She also called back when Caleb was on his way and said it wasn't near as bad as they thought.

I went in to where Parker was. His teacher had him calmed down sitting in a rocking chair with him. He was sucking on a teething ring and had eaten a popscicle.
He just has a flap of skin on his lip.
They said that initially they thought his tooth went through his lip- they couldn't tell and there was so much blood.
Thankfully they were wrong.
He took a 3 and a half hour nap at home today- Caleb took a 2 and a half hour one too.
Thankfully he is good to go for his party tomorrow.
Thankfully. His lip is okay.

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