Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday Fun-day

A Cowboy With No Boots This Halloween

We went to our friends' house, Hunter and Lauren. Parker got some candy and immediately started eating a sucker. After our first stop, we went to The Core's Halloween Party. They served cute Halloween Spooky food. Parker didn't quite understand the concept of Halloween. Parker and Caleb went up to one house. After that, Parker just walked around and played with his pony.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Fall Party at School

Parker's Fall Party was this afternoon at his school. He spent the day at our house with his Mammy and I had to wake him up from his nap to get him ready to go. He DID NOT want to wear his cowboy gear. The only thing that he wanted to wear was what he had on- his airplane shirt; a Halloween shirt wouldn't suffice. The little girl in the picture is Zoey. Apparently they are an "item" in their class. The teacher and other parents were laughing about it. (She is the one who bit him several weeks ago.) She is dropping to part time and will be going to school opposite days from Parker.

The first picture is of the treats we made for Parker's class. They are empty tuna cans spray painted orange. (Thanks to Nana and Papa and Angela, our wonderful neighbor, for all of the cans.) Caleb drilled wholes in the cans and then we used pipe cleaners for the handles. We filled his teachers' pumpkins with candy and the students had foam stickers, mini-playdough and Mickey Mouse ring.

Happy 2nd Birthday to my #1 Favorite Son!

Sweet Parker,

I can't believe you're 2 today.

I remember the day you were born as if it were yesterday. It was a Wednesday and the weather was so nice outside. We had been going to see Dr. Gayle every two days for about a week and we had an appointment that morning. When we had left the appointment on Monday, he told us to come with our bags packed on Wednesday because we probably would be admitted to the hospital. We did just that. When we went in, he assured me that I had been having contractions. I assured him that only my back hurt. He sent us to the hospital and they hooked us up on the machine and sure enough I was contracting, but only hurt in my back. Our extended family started making their way to College Station so they could be here for your arrival. They all made it and you were born at 5:13. You were 7 lbs 3 oz and 20 3/4 inches long. Daddy and I were so excited to finally meet you and begin our life as a family of three. You came home on Halloween. I was so disappointed that we forgot to put you in your pumpkin one-sie. (It wouldn't have fit anyways!)

I know everyone says this about kids, but I really mean it- where did the time go? You're still supposed to be the tiny boy who likes to cuddle with me in my bed. Now you're talking in sentences and running around. You can spell your name, count to 3 and sing most of your abc's. You know several of your colors: yellow, purple, red and are working on the others.

You know exactly how to make my day with your wet kisses. At times you try to give me a "weak kiss" and not pucker up your lips and I always make you re-do it. Sometimes you laugh because you think it's funny that you tried to just half-way kiss me. My favorite is when you put your sweet hands on my face and hold my cheeks while you pucker up and kiss me; melts my heart.

You love to pick out your own clothes and most evenings before you go to bed, you decide what you're going to wear the next day. You typically have one of these requests: baseball shirt, Aggie shirt or brown and pink. You have great fashion sense and always make sure everything matches. You get into picking your shoes out to match your clothes. You do a really good job at it too!

You've become more cuddly to me in the past couple of weeks. You've been allowing me to put you to bed at night and I love it. I know at times it would be nice to not have you spoiled when it's time to go bed and either your dad or myself have to lay in bed with you, but the truth is Parker, I'm learning to cherish each minute with you- especially laying in bed as you put your hands on my face and kiss me 5 times or do your fish kiss. I'm pretty sure when you're 13, you won't allow me in your room, much less to lay down with you, so for now, I'm enjoying these moments.

I enjoy saying bedtime prayers with you. I ask you who you want to pray for. I love the anticipation of waiting to hear who you're going to pray for. To me, it's neat because it gives me a little snippet of who/ what you're thinking about or who/ what impacted you that day. (Lately, it's been your friends at school and your Daddy.)

You've taught me to really slow down and enjoy the simple things in life- airplanes, big cranes, eating outside, loving the dogs, chasing balloons and most importantly spending time with you and Daddy.

Your favorite food is chicken nuggets. You also love ravioli and mac n cheese (not together). You have to take a thing of yogurt to school with you everyday. If I don't send one, they have to find one for you to eat.

You just recently discovered Elmo and Thomas the Train movies. You always want to watch Thomas the Train on tv. It's cute to watch you engrossed in it- even though you're only into it for about 4 minutes.

You like for things to be done the same way, all the time- you are a creature of habit. Your Daddy let you eat a popsicle in the bath one time, so now you want them every night. Gramps let you play in his van when he was here with you and I let you once, so now every time we get home, before we even get to the house, you talk about playing in Mommy or Daddy's car. Everything has a place and needs to be in it's place. I appreciate this because it puts us in a routine and we all know what the expect.

You LOVE your school, Peas in a Pod, and your friends who are there: Zoey, Summer, Sadie, Marcos. (Those are just the ones you talk about.) You still occasionally mention "Zoey. Bite.", even though that happened a while ago.

Parker, I never knew what it was like to have my heart on the outside of my body, but you are just that... I love you more than words can even say. I pray for you every day; that you would become the man of God you are called to be. You are precious, sweet, brilliant, funny, caring, helpful, determined and I thank God for making me your Mommy. You have blessed my life in more ways than you will ever know!

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday, Parker! Here's to MANY, MANY, MANY more!

I love you Big Boy!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Rice Krispie Cupcakes

Yep, you read that right.
A Rice Krispies Cupcake!
I wish I could take all the credit for the idea but my best friend, Ashley, told me about it when I was telling her that I needed to make something for Parker's classmates to celebrate his birthday.
I made the rice krispies as normal and then put them inside a muffin pan lined with cupcake liners. I put them in the fridge for a bit and then iced & sprinkled and let them sit out for the icing to try to harden.
I had two extras, just enough for me and Caleb. I just ate mine and it was awesome! What's even better is that I used CREAM CHEESE icing! Two of my favorite things: cream cheese and rice krispies TOGETHER!
So I sent these to school with Parker today so they can celebrate his birthday. (I know his actual birthday is tomorrow, but he's spending the day with his Mammy tomorrow.) I hope they enjoy them as much I did!

Fireman at the Vet

The College Station firemen visited Parker's school yesterday with their trucks. They gave each student a fire hat; he was so cute wearing it.
We had to take Patches to the vet and when we got out of the vehicle to take Patches in, he put his hat on.
Parker was concerned about Patches ear, even though it wasn't his ear.
Patches got his yearly exam, shots and they took a sample of his lump we found. Parker did not like them taking Patches from the room. He even got a little upset when they had him on the exam table.
Good news though, Patches' lump is just a fatty tumor (I think that's what they called it). They said if it changes to bring him back, but as of now, he's okay. WOOHOO!