Sunday, August 28, 2011

New Doggie Door... For Ranger, Patches.....


This weekend Caleb left to drive with Jon to Oregon. Jon accepted a job at the University of Oregon and since Caleb was on vacation and I was working, he decided he would escort Jon across country on the "Oregon Trail." (We are totally showing our age when basing their trip on a computer game we used to play in elementary school- THAT IS NO LONGER AROUND!)
My mom came in town Friday 'til today to visit us. We had ordered a doggie door and it was scheduled to be installed today at 1. My mom took Parker to our new favorite place, Fro-Yo, for some yogurt while the door was installed.
Parker knew we were getting the door installed and had been asking about it for several weeks. We told him that he was going to have a new "job"- to train Ranger and Patches to use the door. *When the pics were taken, Parker had not quite figured out that he could go in and out of the doggie door. ;)

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