Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Off to the First Day of School....

Today we started our 7 days of in-service at my new job which is Parker's new school. We have been talking up been talking up Parker's new school the past week or so. I'm not sure where he got that he needed paper at his school, but he insisted on taking his paper in his back pack this morning. Talk about Mr. Prepared. ;)
Since it is in-service, Parker's actual class doesn't start until the Tuesday after Labor Day, but they do provide childcare for him. I'm so thankful because it helps him get ready and transition easier to his school. When I left him this morning, he was playing with trucks on a car mat and didn't even cry. (Caleb and I did bribe him with ice cream after school if he didn't have an accident in his pants and if he didn't cry- which we did get ice cream on our way home!)
At the end of my meetings we went to the room where Parker and the other kids were and a veteran teacher did a mimic "circle time" which is how each class begins their day- pledge, prayer, calendar, etc. Parker was sooooo sad once circle time was over. I'm convinced he loves school and is ready to be back in the school setting. :)
Now we are home and it's nap time for both of us. Ready for day 2 at Sonshine School!

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