Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Last Day Subbing

Today is it.

No more long-term subbing in 7th grade Texas History.

It's a bitter- sweet day for me.

In the midst of the past 12 weeks I never, ever thought today would come.

But now that it's here, I find myself wondering where the past 12 weeks went.

I am a FIRM believer that everything happens for a reason.

I also try to gain something from each experience that I go through.

The past 12 weeks have been very, very trying for me and my family, but we endured and I know I personally have learned a lot.

I learned to never take my time for granted with my family. Ever free moment I had, I wanted to be with Caleb and Parker- hanging around the house or lolly-gagging around town.

I also learned to appreciate the small things in life, like Parker does. Hearing him get excited over the bull dozer and him requesting us to drive by the bull dozer. I enjoy hearing his squeal and excitement as if he's never seen one before. It thrills me.

I learned to love the 7th grade students, weirdness and all. When dealing with them in the class, although they annoyed me and made me so mad, I always tried to step back and think, "how would I want Parker's teacher to handle this?"

I learned how to clean my house in about 2 hours on a Saturday morning.

I also learned to do my laundry in one day.

(Both of those allow for more free time doing things I love and spending time with people I love.)

All in all, this was a great experience. Parker LOVES his school, his teachers and his friends. We are thrilled to keep him at his school- he's learning SO MUCH- two days a week.

Although it's my last time to wake up and be a long-term sub, it's not my last time to wake up and appreciate this experiences I've had these past 12 weeks.

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