Monday, November 15, 2010

Day #2- Progresso, Mexico

We all three ate a BIG breakfast in the dining room this morning. I think I can speak for us all that the dining room is our favorite place to eat- the best food and awesome service. :)
We docked at Progresso this morning, but we took our time getting off the boat. We didn't have much of anything planned other than going to the beach today.
We did a little bit of shopping at the stores by the dock. Due to the drizzly, nasty weather in Galveston on Saturday when we left, Caleb and I both left our sunglasses in the car in Galveston so we had to buy new sunglasses. Parker got a straw hat that says Progresso on the band. Parker also got a fun miraca ($1 so we couldn't pass it up). He looked super cute playing his miraca with his hat.
We rode the shuttle that takes you from the dock to the land. Once we were in town, we quickly went through the downtown market. Progresso is a very poor town, so they really try to haggle you to buy stuff. We had to buy Parker this balloon animal because while another guy was talking to Caleb about a tour, Parker spotted the balloon. Well we all know you can't take a balloon from a 2 year old, so I paid the guy $1 and we went on our merry way in route to the beach.
We ended up at a restaurant where a lot of people from our cruise were. We sat out back on the beach and Parker enjoyed the sand. They also had a play fort thing and he enjoyed sliding on that.
We didn't get in the water because there had just been a storm and it washed up a lot of sea weed and stuff on the shore. We didn't mind just enjoying being outside and not breaking too much of a sweat.
We went back to the boat for lunch and all three took our daily nap. Caleb and I are getting used to these naps and I'm loving going to bed before 9! :)

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