Tuesday, November 30, 2010


This afternoon Parker spilled chocolate milk on him, so I decided to go ahead and put him in the bath.
Let me just say, he was in there for at least 2 hours.
He played.
Drove his tractors and fire truck around the edges of the tub.
Ate 2 popsicles.
Spelled his name over and over.
He had a grand 'ole time!
After he had been in there about an hour and half, he asked to sit on the potty. He read his Elmo book over and over. I left him in there- guess it helped him to relax because
That's right!
I was ecstatic!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He said poo-poo a few times and then I went in there, got him off the toilet. LOW AND BEHOLD- there it was!
It was a little weird wiping his bottom with toilet paper.
I was so excited I wanted to take a picture of his business, but then came to my senses that that is just odd. (Probably even more odd that I just admitted that on my blog for the whole world to read.)
He was so excited he refused to wear a diaper; he wanted his Thomas the Choo Choo train underwear. :)

(I'm sure several of you are going to ask - he did have an accident, but I assured him that happens and no big deal.)

Parker- let's keep this up! I'd really appreciate not having to buy diapers! :)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Lights

We took Parker & the dogs to see Santa's Wonderland last night and it was so much fun!
We rolled down the windows and listened to Christmas music.
Most of these pics are of things Parker wanted me to take a picture of.
(I sure hope that Santa can find a digital camera for Parker this year!) :)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Jennifer's Visit

Today Jennifer's visit comes to an end.
This is her second or third annual visit the weekend after Thanksgiving and boy do I LOVE it when she comes!
Friday we shopped; Saturday we shopped in the morning and then we spent the afternoon and evening working on craft projects. (Pics to come later so I don't ruin what someone is getting for Christmas.)
Oh and we also attempted putting up my Christmas tree (there's a story behind the word ATTEMPT!).
Jenn and I have been very, very close friends for at least 13 years. (Correct me if I'm wrong, Jenn. I think we got really close right before I started high school?) *We were friends in elementary school.
Over the years we have been by each other's side through a lot: her Jimmy, church, Red River, boys, her taking me every where, spending the nights together, sharing clothes in high school, weddings and much, much more! The past few years we have done a lot better about making sure we see each other at least twice a year and I'm so thankful for that.
She's a friend that you don't have to entertain or do anything other than hang out on the couch and watch tv.
She's also a friend you work on projects with: cards, candles, crafts, decorating, shopping.
She's also a friend who is there for me, no matter what.
Jennifer, if you're reading this, I love you girl and I cherish our visits with one another. I pray that some day we can live closer to each other and see one another more. Each time you leave, I am saddened because I always wish I could visit with you longer. I love you girl, and can't wait to see you again really soon!

Check out all those bubbles....

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Isn't he so cute with is new toy, Slinky that Jennifer bought him???

Friday, November 26, 2010

Pictures By Parker

Our cruise from Parker's viewpoint:

And those are just a few of his masterpieces.
His fingers all look the same in most of them. ;)

Shopping with the Girls....

This is what Parker found and wore around at our new, ginormous Kirkland's:

How cute is he?
I wish we had seen this before his birthday!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

HaPpY TuRkEy DaY!

Happy Thanksgiving Today!
I wish there was a song for Thanksgiving.
Today we are so thankful for all of the many blessings God has blessed us with:
our family, our friends, our house, our vehicles, our jobs,
Parker's school, Parker's teacher, College Station.
We have so much to be thankful for during this time of year!
As tomorrow kicks off the Christmas Season,
our prayer is that the hustle and bustle of the Holiday's won't take away from all of our many blessings and that Jesus is the Reason for the Season.


Here are a few pics from the Cowboy's Game this afternoon:
What a great game!

Keith Urban kicking off Salvation Army's holiday giving program.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Birthday, Gramps!

Today Gramps hits his lucky year- double 7's.
Parker and I called him this morning. Parker has been singing "Happy Birthday" since he heard it in the dining room several times on our cruise.
Gramps didn't get the whole song from Parker this morning, but he got the jest of it.

If I had one person in the whole world who I would say was my hero, I'd say Gramps.
He is constantly doing for everyone else and wants nothing in return (and will not take anything in return).
I remember we gave him an Outback Steakhouse gift card once for a thank you gift and he took us to eat with it! Seriously. I would have gone and had a been nice meal if that had been me! (Wait, did I just admit that out loud!)

He also has a TON of wisdom, but ever gives it to you without you asking for it first. And even when you do ask for it, he lets you make the decision on your own. If you decide to do opposite of what he says, he doesn't judge you; he still loves you no matter what.

Gramps (& Granny) have contributed so much to my life- they make me who I am today. They ALWAYS supported me throughout all of my business endeavors: selling cokes at the garage sales, selling aluminum cans that their neighbors saved for me, A&B Bakery, dog grooming Business, sno-cone stands and those are just to name a few.
Oh and I remember one time specifically Gramps called me at Granny's house one day when he was at work. He told me he had a business idea for me. Of course, being the entrepreneur that I am, I was extremely excited to hear about it. When he got home from work that day he took me to the store and bought me a set of number stencils, a can of white spray paint and a can of black spray paint. I was now in business to paint numbers on curbs at houses. I can't remember specifically but probably someone had come around and was charging over $20 to spruce up curb numbers so I probably charged $5 or so to do the same job... granted I was in elementary school. All I had to do was one house to cover my costs and then it was straight profit. :)

I have a lot of great memories with Gramps: lost in downtown New York City on our 2 week trip, riding the church bus at Oak View, borrowing his pager when he was off work for his surgery, yearly trips to Whitchita Falls, firing him at least once a week when he worked for me at my second sno cone stand, "dancing" with him at my wedding, he and Parker playing in his van and those are just a few.

Gramps, if you're reading this, I hope you had a great birthday today and here's to 77 more!
You're the best! I love you!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Before we leave, don't you know we need to turn the light out???

Thanksgiving Week at Peas in a Pod

Parker went to school today; I had to make up the time I missed last week when I was cruisin'.
His class was supposed to make Indian vests out of brown sacks & headbands with feathers and learn about the first Thanksgiving dinner.
When I picked him up, I was bummed because they didn't get around to making them. Guess when you have a class of 2 year olds, your intentions count for a lot! :)
Hopefully the 2 year olds will comply tomorrow and we will have a vest and headband tomorrow to take a picture of.

Monday, November 22, 2010


So today I picked up Parker from school. He was so cute playing outside- have I mentioned that it's in the 80's this week?!?! UGH.
Ms. Ann, his teacher, said he had a really good day.
Then she said that at snack she asked Parker if it was good.
He said, "amazing."
Love him.
And his cute ways he says things.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Gig'em Ags!

Parker kept saying he had to poop when he was in the bath. So he spent some time on the potty. Nothing happened, but he enjoyed catching up on some reading he was behind on. :)

Tonight we had our last Aggie game at Kyle Field for the 2010 football season. We played Nebraska and what a phenomenal game it was!! We have not seen Kyle Field so intense in SEVERAL years... probably since we were in college. (Way, way, way back in the day. ;))
The game was at 7 pm and Parker stayed over at our neighbor, Angela's, house during the game. She has a 5 year old girl, Addison, and her and Parker are buddies. They had a great time.
This is the pic Angela texted me of Parker and Addison trying to go to sleep. She said that Parker was singing to himself and Addison was cracking up at him.

And the post wouldn't be complete without a picture of me and Caleb from the game. *Disclaimer: This was taken at the end of the game, so we're not looking to fresh here.

Friday, November 19, 2010

New Bike

We just got around to putting Parker's new bike together that he got at his birthday party from Nana and Papa.
Don't you just love his helmet?

Thursday, November 18, 2010


I think it's safe to speak for all three of us in the fact that we are all super sad vacation is over.
We all enjoyed our time together on the "big, big boat."
Parker ate fruit, chicken nuggets & fries, followed by pink ice cream.
When asked what he did this week and says, "Eat chicken nuggets on a boat."
We were leaving Houston this afternoon and he said, "bye-bye boat."
We even had him saying, "Boat take us to Mexico."

Caleb and I were talking about the trip and although we didn't get to enjoy the entertainment and late night of the cruise, we had a good time. Our intentions this trip was to spend time with just the three of us.
That's exactly what we did.
We all took daily naps, ate til our clothes won't fit and enjoyed each others company.

We are definitely sold on cruisin' with a 2 year old and really hope to sail again next year! (That's if our money tree sprouts! HAHAHA)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Last Day at Sea

We slept in until after 7. :)
We ate breakfast again in the dining room.
Caleb went to a tour of behind the scenes of the boat.
He LOVED it! I'll post fun facts about the cruise that he learned later.
While he was at the tour, Parker and I hung out.
We went to the tip, top of the boat by the put-put area. It was soooo windy.
So we meandered around the boat.
Parker discovered his passion for taking pictures today.
So cute to watch him take pictures.
Each night on the boat they have picture stations for photographers to take professional pics of you and your family. They would get your situated and then "lunge" down to take the pic.
Apparently Parker had been watching because he wanted me to wear my sunglasses for a picture and started "lunging."
It's crazy how he notices the small things!