Saturday, September 17, 2011

Parker's First Aggie Game

After the game:

Tonight the Aggies played Idaho and we were able to get Parker a ticket through the Junior Aggies Club. He was super pumped about going with us- as he had been talking about it for weeks. We went to Anderson's high school football game last weekend and Parker was expecting it to be like that... although he didn't really know what to expect. He kept asking questions. It was so fun to watch him experience his first Aggie game!

This is from when we first arrived at the game. He was soaking it all in!
*Notice he had his binoculars around his neck. ;)
He was testing out his binoculars and watching the players warm-up before the game.
He made his Daddy take his binoculars. Here they are checking out the big binoculars.
Towards the end of the second quarter Parker was getting a little restless. I took him up to the concession stand and we bought popcorn. We sat up there for a while, munched on the super salty popcorn and people watched. Then it was half time. He was mesmerized by the band marching at half time. We stand while the Aggie Band marches on the field- I held him and he soaked it all in. (He also thought it was super funny when his Daddy told him he used to play a tuba!)
During the second half Parker did GREAT.
We were extremely impressed with how well he did!

He had a great time! The Aggies won. 37-7.
Here Parker is running to the car....

On our way to the car we passed the spot where motorcycles park.
There was a guy and a girl getting on a blue motorcycle and he wanted to watch them drive off.
He sat on the sidewalk and watched them.
It's so funny that he is so obsessed with motorcycles.
I keep telling him how dangerous they are and that he will have to be an old, old man before he ever gets one! haha

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