Friday, September 30, 2011

Lesson on Prayer.....

Parker is getting used to having Friday's off of school while Caleb works, but at first, Parker had a hard time understanding. A couple of weeks ago, on Thursday night, Caleb was explaining to Parker that he would be going to work the next day.
"Parker, tomorrow you get to sleep in and have a good day with no school at home with Mom while I go to work."
"I don't want you to go to work, Daddy."
"I wished I didn't have to go to work, Parker."
"What does that mean?"
"I wish means I don't want to go to work; I'd like to stay home too."
"Maybe you should pray to Jesus that I don't have to work tomorrow."

(I'm sure you can guess where this story is going. ;))

A few minutes later Parker leans on the couch, does his praying hands, closes his eyes and says, "Dear Jesus....."
Long pause....
Opens his eyes. Looks around.
"I don't know what to say."

Come to find out, he was praying for his Daddy to not have to go to work.
Caleb helped Parker with a prayer then we both explained to Parker that sometimes prayers aren't always answered how we want them to be.

*Caleb did work on Friday, but Saturday and Sunday he was home.... ;)

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