Sunday, August 28, 2011

New Doggie Door... For Ranger, Patches.....


This weekend Caleb left to drive with Jon to Oregon. Jon accepted a job at the University of Oregon and since Caleb was on vacation and I was working, he decided he would escort Jon across country on the "Oregon Trail." (We are totally showing our age when basing their trip on a computer game we used to play in elementary school- THAT IS NO LONGER AROUND!)
My mom came in town Friday 'til today to visit us. We had ordered a doggie door and it was scheduled to be installed today at 1. My mom took Parker to our new favorite place, Fro-Yo, for some yogurt while the door was installed.
Parker knew we were getting the door installed and had been asking about it for several weeks. We told him that he was going to have a new "job"- to train Ranger and Patches to use the door. *When the pics were taken, Parker had not quite figured out that he could go in and out of the doggie door. ;)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Prayer Works

Parker and I have been praying on the way to school.
Yesterday we prayed really hard for him to have a good first day.
He did great.
This morning he gave me a long list of people to pray for. I threw in at the end of the conversation that we would really like some rain.
Tonight we got a few sprinkles, cooler weather and a good wind.
Thank you Jesus!

Day 2

And he won't retire Trevor's Irving High School t-shirt.
Oh and that is a smile. ;)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Off to the First Day of School....

Today we started our 7 days of in-service at my new job which is Parker's new school. We have been talking up been talking up Parker's new school the past week or so. I'm not sure where he got that he needed paper at his school, but he insisted on taking his paper in his back pack this morning. Talk about Mr. Prepared. ;)
Since it is in-service, Parker's actual class doesn't start until the Tuesday after Labor Day, but they do provide childcare for him. I'm so thankful because it helps him get ready and transition easier to his school. When I left him this morning, he was playing with trucks on a car mat and didn't even cry. (Caleb and I did bribe him with ice cream after school if he didn't have an accident in his pants and if he didn't cry- which we did get ice cream on our way home!)
At the end of my meetings we went to the room where Parker and the other kids were and a veteran teacher did a mimic "circle time" which is how each class begins their day- pledge, prayer, calendar, etc. Parker was sooooo sad once circle time was over. I'm convinced he loves school and is ready to be back in the school setting. :)
Now we are home and it's nap time for both of us. Ready for day 2 at Sonshine School!

Monday, August 22, 2011

First Movie

Today is our last official day of summer. I decided I would brave taking Parker to his first movie. The Smurfs was the only movie playing that was kid friendly, so we went to see it at 11:40 at the CS movie theater. I didn't read up on the movie or anything and once we got there, I realized it wasn't Smurfs like I remember it growing up- you know a cartoon. It had real people in it and an adult plot. Regardless, Parker did great and was trying to convince me that once it was over he could go see another movie.
For the record, we're home; he's napping and I'm about to nap! So long summer and hello part-time work beginning tomorrow. So thankful that I will have my Friday's off. And to be home by 2:45 from work every day! :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Tonight Caleb was working late and Parker and I were enjoying dinner together. We were chatting away about our day. All of a sudden he says, "I need a Toy Story umbrella." I tried explaining that it doesn't really rain much here so we don't get much use out of umbrellas. He said, "It's about to rain a lot and I need one so I won't get wet and the rain will bounce off of it."
I'm pretty desperate for it to rain, so maybe I should get him one and also wash my car on the way. ;)


Parker has his new lunchbox he got earlier this summer. We've been saving it for his new school, which begins Tuesday. He has had it out this week looking it over. Yesterday my Tupperware order came in and I had ordered him the cutest left over containers for him to take his lunch it. They are fun colors and just his size. He insisted that I wash it immediately and pack him a lunch in it. I finally caved in as I thought it might be a good idea for him to eat out of it and hype up his new school- I'm not sure how the transition is going to work for him. He ended up eating 2 "lunches" out of it this afternoon. He had grapes and then a cheese sandwich. He LOVES his new lunch gear!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Children's Museum with Kathryn

Today we visited the Children's Museum in downtown Bryan with Kammi, Kathryn and their new addition to the family, Evan.
The museum had a special guest today- a 2 1/2 week old deer named JR.
Kathryn loved petting the deer. Parker never did pet him; he waited in line and got up to the deer but then just looked at him.
It was so neat to see the tiny thing and learn about him as well.

The museum is set up in different centers. The first center Parker visited was the construction one.

Kathryn spent the majority of her time in the HEB center and Parker joined her. They were so cute shopping for their groceries and then checking out each individual item.

They have other centers set up, but these were the two I was able to get pictures at.
Children's Museum is hands down a great place with lots of activities indoors!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Our New Discovery...

We have been to the Bryan Public Library twice now on Thursday mornings.
They have these "activities" in a bag that has a book you read and then a fun activity to go along with it. We checked one out 2 weeks ago and Parker LOVED it.
It had 5 Little Monkey's Jumping on the Bed (different version than the one he already has) and then a monkey matching game.
So today we went and checked out three more.
Here he carrying two of them down the stairs:
Here we are leaving:
He is such a big helper.
He is also very, very eager to learn.
Such a fun age!

A Few Pics For You To Enjoy!

Parker has such an imagination these days.
Here he is "working on the tv" with his "chainsaw" which is really part of his airport contraption. *Notice the goggles on TOP of his head.

He has discovered where we keep ice packs for lunches.
He had a "boo-boo" on his toe and helped himself to the ice pack.

We ate at Cotton Patch the other night.
He had an Oreo for his dessert- hence the black teeth!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Oh Parker...

So Parker told me tonight that he needed to brush his teeth. I thought to myself, "Man. He is such a responsible almost 3 year old. Impressive."
2 more minutes later I hear Parker say, "I'm going to clean the window."
I went in to see what he meant by this....

He was sitting in the sink....
Using Caleb's toothbrush....

Scrubbing the mirror.

Cooper at 27 weeks and 1 day

Today I had my glucose testing, another sonogram and a visit with Dr. Gayle.
All went well!
I passed my glucose test (Praise God!).
Cooper is very, very low but still sideways in my stomach. He is folded in half- his head is on my right side and so are his legs. Melissa, the sonogram lady, got a great side profile pic and a shot that clearly shows Cooper is a boy.

Dr. Gayle said everything looks great- Cooper has a strong heart beat and is measuring 3 weeks ahead, which is exactly what Parker did. IF Cooper was to come early, it would be October 17. We are now taking bets as to when he will make his grand debut.
Parker tagged along on the visit and was such a trouper! We took a laptop and he watched Dora and Toy Story the whole hour and fourty-five minutes we were there!!