Monday, October 10, 2011

Doctor Update for Cooper

We went to the doctor this morning and I'm back at home on the couch.
I'm at a 4.
He's confident Cooper will make his debut this week.
I have another appointment Thursday morning and he doubts I'll come back home....
He said that at the rate I'm dilating, if I haven't had him by then, I will be far enough dilated that I'll need to go to the hospital to have him.
Dr Gayle is also confident that my due date is wrong, which makes us feel soooooooo much better! My belly measurement today is saying 38, almost 39 weeks. Each time I've been early. He said each sonogram has said earlier and and earlier. So we all feel a lot better about Cooper coming this week!
Here's to playing the waiting game! :)

1 comment:

Another Texas Family said...

Yay! Can't wait to hear and see pictures.