Sunday, October 9, 2011

Earlier this summer we bought Parker a dresser to paint and re-do so that his current dresser could go in the nursery. We finally got around to working on the dresser about a week and a half ago... here Caleb and Parker are working on getting the handles out of the drawers... Parker is such a great helper and always wants to do whatever Caleb is doing.
We all spent some time outside... I worked on the dresser and they hung out. Parker even got in the water sprinkler a little bit.
Aren't they so cute???
Parker told me that he was "hiding." He was trying to get under the chair. I'm convinced that he thinks that if his eyes are closed he can't be seen. ;)
He has rediscovered his love for his Cowboy boots recently.
They also sing a "cowboy song" at school and he's been using things for his rope (we tried to tell him the correct word is a lasso, but he doesn't seem to care). He kicks his foot out and does the "rope" around in the air and says "yeehaw." Yesterday he even slept with his hat on his head. Caleb said before he fell asleep he was laying in there tipping his hat and saying something like "howdy." You never know what Parker is going to say... I REALLY wish I could get in his mind and see what his thoughts are. He makes us laugh all. the. time!

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