Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cooper Update

I went to the doctor today for my 35 week check. I'm 35 weeks, 4 days according to my actual due date. I asked to be checked because I have been having a few random contractions. I'm dilated to a 3, 80% effaced. I'm now on bed rest. They did a sonogram to make sure Cooper is measuring okay and he is. He weighs 6 lb, 1 oz.

This all totally caught me off guard as I just KNEW that I wouldn't have him til at least November 1. I was almost in a panic when they told me because I'm not ready. No. Where. Near. Ready.

This weekend is our last weekend before Cooper's actual due date to not have any big plans- no football game, no wedding. NOTHING! We have somethings we need to get done to Cooper's room before he's here. I KNOW, I KNOW that Cooper doesn't care if his room is done or not, but I care and need some kind of order to his room. :) Here's to hoping Cooper waits til at least next week to arrive.

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