Friday, July 22, 2011

Swim Lessons

Parker has been in swim lessons for the past two weeks. He has improved SO MUCH! It's amazing what 8 days can do for a 2 1/2 year old!!! Last year at swim lessons ALL he wanted to do was jump off the side of the pool the ENTIRE time. This year, he was scared of the water and wanted you to hold his hands as he jumped in to the water. Tuesday and Wednesday this week Granny was brave and got in the water with Parker at swim since I was out of town for a conference. They used the life jacket and Parker LOVED it. He LOVED it so much that when his teachers, Ms. Sarah, announced last night that tonight she was going to have the life jackets out Parker was clapping and chanting "life jacket!" Even in the two days I was not at swim lessons, Parker was a lot more brave. Last night he jumped off the edge of the pool (after he saw some older kids do it) and went under. We did learn that if we comment on Parker going under the water, he wouldn't do it anymore. Tonight was the last night of swim lessons and Parker wore a life jacket and went down the slide ALL BY HIMSELF! Caleb was able to be there to watch him! We were soooooo proud of him. :)
These cute little goggles helped Parker so much. I'm not convinced they actually worked (they were .75 a pair at Walmart), but they made him feel comfortable jumping in the water.

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