Thursday, July 7, 2011


This week Parker and I have been in Irving. We've had a wonderful, RELAXING week!
Tuesday we spent the day with Nana & Papa. Wednesday we went swimming with Aunt Ashley. Today we rode the TRE Train with GiGi to Fort Worth, Parker ate Subway, then back home to nap. Once Parker woke up from nap, we went to see Uncle Kenny at the fire station. Although we don't have many pictures to show from the week, I thought these two were super cute of Parker- Man!

Parker sitting in the ambulance listening to Uncle Kenny explain what all he's doing to me. He checked my pulse and heart. We even got a print out of my heart rate. Ken tried to get Parker to participate, but he's not quite ready for all of that.
Parker got a much needed, new fire hat. His other two bit the dust after he wore them for days. Uncle Kenny wrote Parker's name on it along with #8 on the sides to signify the fire station we were at.

And of course our trip to the fire station was complete with a ride in the fire truck around the block and squirting water! Uncle Kenny knows how to do it up right! :)

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