Friday, July 29, 2011

~And to think he's NOT EVEN 3~

Last night I was folding towels and Caleb was doing stuff in the kitchen, so we decided to encourage Parker to partake in the "picking up" fun that was going on.
He's always wanting to buy stuff in the vending machines at The Kettle & now gymnastics. We use those machines in our favor to bribe him to be on his best behavior- but that doesn't mean that every time he gets something out of the machine; sometimes we don't have the change. We've been telling him that he needs to help around the house and clean up his room and he would have his own money to get toys out.
Anyways, back to last night...
So I told Parker that I would pay him 2 quarters if he would pick up his toys in his room. I reminded him that it would buy him a ball or ring at the Kettle or he could take it to gymnastics and get something.
A few minutes later I heard him in his room doing something- our conversation went like this:
"Parker, are you picking up your toys?"
"Oh thank you. Are you putting them in their buckets?"
"No, I'm playing with them."

Duh, Mom. What was I thinking? I didn't clarify when I asked him to pick his toys up... he was doing what I specifically asked-- PICKING UP HIS TOYS!

Oh me.

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