Wednesday, April 20, 2011

First Dentist Apt.

I took Parker to his first dentist appointment yesterday. The end of Spring Break Parker was climbing up his slide in the backyard and hit is front two teeth. They didn't bleed a whole lot, but he did complain about them hurting for about 3 days after wards. We dismissed it when he stopped telling us about them hurting, but they started changing colors. They are a light grey. I finally called and got him into see the dentist.
Any guesses on how it went?

It started out great. He was having a great time with the awesome toys in the lobby, but once we went back to the little room he freaked out. He hit his hand on the chair and would say, "I no like to lay there." He didn't understand that they weren't going to make him lay there. (I think he associated the chair laying completely back with the table thing at his ENT's office he had to lay on and I laid on top of him for them to clean his ears.) But basically, they had him in lap, lay back and the dentist checked him out and did an x-ray. His permanent teeth are not damaged and we are to keep an eye on them that they don't start hurting him again, or get loose. We're going back at the end of May for them to examine his full mouth for a regular, routine check-up.

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