Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Great Helper

Today was our first day in a while to be home and not have plans. We ended up having a real estate deal we had to work on though... Parker was such a big boy and good helper. I felt so bad about him having to be in the car so much today, but he was a trooper and I was so thankful!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I'm bummed. Parker and I had a great day visiting a bunch of people and I only got 1 picture!

Today we got ready and went to Lauren's house to see her new baby girl, Kingsley. Ashley also met us there. We had a great lunch and visit. I wish we could see these sweet girls more frequently. Kingsley is so beautiful and HAS RED HAIR! Parker loved checking on her and watching her swing.

After we visited with them, Parker and I headed to the fire station to see Uncle Ken. (Pic above is our evidence.) Parker asked me a week or so prior to our trip to Irving if he could go ride the RED fire truck again. (The fire trucks at home are white and blue, so clearly he wanted to see Uncle Ken. :)) We had a great time. We both got cute, red fire hats- Parker is sporting his in the picture.

Once we rode around the block on the RED fire truck, we headed off to Spring Creek to meet up with the Story clan and then off to Trevor's baseball game. Parker LOVES, LOVES, LOVES Trevor and baseball. Teddie had an Irving High baseball shirt made with Trevor's number on the back for Parker. HE LOVES IT!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Lazy Day at GiGi's

You know it's a good nights sleep when your hair looks like this.
*Yes, he's eating Pringles... that's after he ate 2 apple turn overs and 2 fruit roll-ups.

Today my mom (GiGi) took off of work and we thought we would go do stuff and hang out.
Let's just say that at 4:30 Parker and I finally got out of our pajamas and got ready for the day.
We watched tv, napped, played... had a great day of relaxation!
We went to check on Nana & Papa around 5.
Here's Parker enjoying being outside and wearing Papa's hat:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Gramps's Helper

They were fixing the bolt that was loose on the gate.
Parker had his toy wrench and Gramps had the real one.
Gramps was so patient with Parker to show him what he was doing and to explain how they were going to fix it.

Sure would like to be a fly on the wall today....

At my house!

Gramps drove in this morning to keep Parker for us while I work today and tomorrow!
They are going to have so much fun!
I'm giggling sittin here imagining what they are up to at this moment!
I can't wait to go home at lunch and see what's been happening at my house. :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Good Morning!

Caleb took this pic of Mr. Parker this morning and texted it to me.
What a way to get my day going! :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I know Caleb and I have said this before about previous stages, but we LOVE this stage that Parker is in!

Parker is into imaginative play big time. In the bathtub he fixes us "coffee." He even adds the creamer and sugar. Tonight he told me it was brown and chocolate flavored.

He's into playing hide and go seek but gets so excited about hiding and us finding him that he giggles loud and comes out of his hiding spot.

He is great at having full blown conversations. Gramps is coming to stay with him Thursday and Friday this week and (don't tell Gramps) but Parker was really concerned about Granny not coming. She's working (he remembered). He said he will miss Granny and threw in that he will miss Pop too.

We had such a great day together today.
Love this 2 1/2 year old.

(Don't get me wrong, there are meltdowns at times, but we are all allowed melt downs.)

Just when I think I can't enjoy you anymore than I already do, you go and do something else that adds to your
I love you!

Monday, March 7, 2011


I picked Parker up today from school. Our conversation on the way out to the car went something like this:
"Parker, why didn't you potty today at school?"
"I no like those potty at school."
"Why? What's wrong with them."
"I no like those potty at school. They scary."
(Although the word scary was jumbled, I could decipher what he was saying.)

So that's it folks. Diaper at school. Potty at home.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Big Boy Potty + (Good) Bribery

Parker told Caleb that he wanted to pee in the big potty last night and then when he was on the potty, he pooped. We made such a big deal about it he got back on the potty, pooped again, got down and then back up to pee.
I told Parker if he would use the potty at school I would take him to McDonald's ... he said he wanted an ice cream. I told him he could get an ice cream & happy meal.
We'll see if the bribery works.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Nooo!! Coffeeeee, Moooommm!

This morning I went to work the Bargain Blitz for Junior League. Basically it's a glorified garage sale.
I had to be there at 8 and I was the only one awake until 745. I had already decided that I would swing through McD's and get their tasty oatmeal & a coffee. (Those of you who know our house, know that making coffee is not my department. Caleb was not awake.)
I was about to leave and Caleb had just woke up and started working on the coffee. Parker got out of bed and was anxious to help Caleb make coffee. He was thoroughly confused as to why I wasn't staying for the coffee.
He pushed on my legs as I was trying to gather my stuff to leave, "NOOO!! Coffeeeeee Momm!"
He was really concerned about me getting my coffee.
The boy must know that his Mom needs her coffee to get going in the a.m. especially so early on a Saturday.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Decor by Parker

Parker and I went to Target the other day after school. I saw the Easter window gel stickers and I thought that it would be fun for Parker to put on his window. We ended up putting them on the front window and then we went back to Target for more. We found the trains and airplane ones. It was so cute watching him put them on the windows. You can't tell very well from the pictures, but the pink rabbit is really eating a carrot. The airplanes are in the sky actually on clouds. It was so neat to watch him put these on to see how his brain processed things.

Funny Story....

So Parker is still doing a fantastic job of pottying in his potty.
I'm pretty sure he's peed more on us and the area around him within the last week than he did when he was a newborn and sprayed a few times.
We remind him to point his weiner down.
Now when we ask him if he needs to go potty, and if he does need to go, he says "Uhh-huh. Point my weiner down."
I wish you could hear his little voice say it.
It makes us laugh each time.
So cute.
And funny.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gigi on an airplane

My mom flew in this morning to come visit us. Parker was mesmerized that she rode on a "big" airplane. I'm assuming that anything bigger than his airplane toy is a "big" airplane because the planes that run from Dallas to College Station are nothing near a "big" airplane, but we'll let him think what he wants. ;)
He asked Gigi what she did on the plane. She said read and drank cran-apple juice.
He's in awe.
I'm pretty sure he had all kinds of questions but I can't remember what they were!
(And it's pretty stinkin' cute to hear him try to say cran-apple juice.)

"You're kidding me."

*Let me preface the story by saying that a while back Caleb went out back and picked up dog poop. Parker would help him by showing him where the dog poop was. Ever since then whenever Parker sees dog poop he wants me to pick it up. I remind him that that is Daddy's job. As soon as Caleb gets home Parker wants a "baggie" (grocery sack) hands it to Caleb and tells him he needs to pick up the dog poop.

Today my mom, Parker and me were out back. Parker got in his red and yellow car and was riding around on the back porch. He got off the porch and into the grass in his little car. Totally joking I said, "Parker watch out for the dog poop."
He stopped and looked at me like "you're kidding me."
He tried to back his car back up on the porch but couldn't.
I assured him I was kidding.
He picked his feet up and got out of the car and didn't ride it for the rest of the day.
I wish he had understood that I was just kidding him.