Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Funday when you're feeling better!

Parker and his Daddy went to Shipley's this morning and picked up donuts.
It's been a while since they've had donuts.
Parker woke up from his nap and didn't run a fever!
He was fever free for almost 24 hours!
We were so excited.
We went to Cane's because we had Aggie Women's Basketball tickets from the night before. They scored over 65 points, so with your ticket you get buy one get one free at Cane's.

As we were sitting there, Parker was leaning on me and some girls walked in with their parents. The girls were probably between 5-7 years old.
Parker pointed at them and said, "girls."
He then leaned his head over on his arm rested on me.
It was like he was gazing at the most beautiful girls he had ever seen.
It was pretty funny and cute!

We went to Target to look at cameras. While we were looking at one, Parker took it upon himself to "take pictures" with one of the others on display. He had great form.

He saw some rainboots and had Caleb get them off the shelf for him to try on. We did not leave Target with a new pair of rainboots; we told him they would make a good gift sometime soon. :)

We then made our way to the HEB carwash. Parker was very intruiged by the car wash.

Now he's ready for bed in his new pj's his Mammy bought him.

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