Saturday, February 5, 2011

LoViN' OuR WeEkEnD! & OuR bOy

We have really enjoyed being home this weekend.
I asked Parker if he was having a good weekend and he said, "Yes, with Mommy and Daddy."
He's just so darn cute.
And fun.
And smart.

Tonight we wanted to get out of the house but didn't know what to do... we went to Half Priced Books, Sam's and Spoons.
Spoons has limited seating and there wasn't room for us so we took ours to the car and all ate it.
Parker had his very own container of yogurt.
We let him decide what flavor and then I put frosted animal cookies on top.
He was such a big boy and waited for us to pay and then go to the car.
We sat him on the console in the front seat and he did such a great job eating his ice cream and not making (too big of) a mess.

Caleb and I are amazed at how quickly the past 27 months plus a few days have flown by. We're realizing more and more each day that Parker is no longer our little baby.
He's a little boy.... well a big boy.
He can tell us things.
He likes imaginary play.
He likes to laugh and make us laugh.
He loves to play with his airport with his Daddy.
He loves to tell us "I waked up" when we talk about him needing to go to bed or take a nap.
Really the list is endless.

You're such a blessing. We are so thankful to have you in our lives.
Thank you for bringing so much joy to our lives!
You are precious!
We love you more than words can say!

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