Sunday, July 11, 2010

Another Sunday Funday

Parker LOVES reading books. He has a few on his shelf in the living room and he spends a lot of time reading them. He has quite a few books, but he tends to get hung up on reading the same book over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. (Get my point?) We had to start telling him we'll read the book two times and then he needs to pick another one. He always picks the same books. When I tell him that I would love to read this to him two times, he mimics me. Sometimes it's one finger up on one hand and his whole hand up or he's like this:
Parker played with sidewalk chalk at school the other day, so today we bought him some at Walmart. He loved playing with it. He would draw two or three little lines and then want to change colors. While we were all playing with sidewalk chalk we would write his name and chant, "PAR-KER." He would try to mimic us. In the bath tonight, I was writing his name and chanting. After I would say P, he would say A. It was cute. It's amazing how smart he is!

Caleb and Parker went swimming tonight in our neighbors pool. Parker jumped in about a million times. I wish I had our video camera because he was so cute backing up to run and jump in the pool. Since there's a metal lip around the pool (it's an above ground with a small deck) he would run (exaggerated a bit) and then stop and lift up his legs one at a time onto to ledge to jump in to Caleb.
In the first pic, Parker is completely under water... which is how it is every time he jumps in. He doesn't care. Swimming has even helped in his baths. He doesn't care about getting his face wet now!

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