Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Can I do this?!?!?

So tonight I went to a gathering with some girls from church and we made a "Bucket List." For those of you who don't know what that is (I didn't before today), it's a list of things you want to do before you die. I put on my list that I want to blog for 1 year. Blogging takes the place of a diary and it would be fun to look back and read stories I posted on here (mainly about Parker). On the way home from the meeting, I thought what better day to begin this than today? I also thought about saying I want to do it for a year; that's a long commitment. I think I should start with small goals and see how long I make it. So my first goal is to blog every day for 1 week. **To all you readers out there, please help to hold me to my goal.**

So to kick off this whole week of blogging (remember I'm starting with a small goal of blogging everyday for a week), I wanted to share a funny story of Parker from church last Sunday.
Last weekend we went to Irving for Ashley Daniel's bridal shower, my Papa's 89th birthday AND Caleb's parents 30 anniversary. On Sunday morning we went to my grandparents church, Oak View Baptist. Parker usually sits with us during the music part and then my Gramps takes him to the foyer and they have some good Great-Gramps and Parker bonding time. When it was time for the part where they welcome everyone and the church is extremely quiet, Parker got down in the church isle and started rolling around. (Thank goodness we were on the back row!!) I picked him up and tried to re-direct his behavior. He went back to the isle, rolled around a few times, and started yelling "bye-bye." At this point, I was on the verge of embarrassment. I once again picked him up and tried to re-direct his behavior. He then leaned under the pew, grabbed his bag, sat on the floor, started yelling "bye-bye" multiple times and then stood up and brought the bag to me while yelling "bye- bye." Needless to say, it was his time for some bonding out in the foyer. :) At the time I was pretty embarrassed, but now it's pretty humorous to me. It amazes me that he knows his bag and didn't grab my purse.
I'm sure tomorrow I will have another funny story that Mr. Parker did! :)
Here's to day #1 of my week of blogging!


Another Texas Family said...

You can do it...and the marathon ;)

Alicia said...

Cute little Parker!

When you want a bigger goal, look up NaBloPoMo.