Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Porch Time

As I mentioned yesterday in my post, Parker loves to dash for the back door when we open it for the dogs. Yesterday afternoon I let him wonder out on the porch since it's shaded in the afternoon and it's nice. He played with a couple of things we have back there and then started crawling around. He doesn't realize that when he crawls on the concrete that his little knees are getting scratched up.

Today I opened the back door for the dogs and like a reflex, Parker headed to the back door. I thought about interjecting his mission and encouraging him to detour elsewhere, but decided against it. I really didn't want to have to keep telling him not to crawl, so I got one of our extra blankets and spread it out on the back porch. It takes up 80% of the porch, now I just have to encourage him to stay on the blanket.

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