Monday, August 10, 2009

9 Months?!?!?

Caleb and I were talking last night, wondering where the past nine months have gone?!?! It seems like just yesterday we were anxiously awaiting Parker's arrival and now we're going 90 to nothing following him around the house. I only wish I had half of the energy that Parker has! :) (I guess if I took at many naps, maybe I would!?!)

Here are just a FEW of the milestones Parker has accomplished in the last nine months:

- He gets soooooooo excited when we put him in his highchair!
- Two top teeth; his bottom teeth are trying to break through
- Holds his own sippy cup
- GI Joe crawling around everywhere
- New toys that have taken over our house!
(They are in the livingroom, his room and at times in the kitchen,
our bathroom or the guestroom and even in the car!)
- Sleeping in his very own bed in his room! :)
- New, bigger car seat
- Climbing on and through everything possible

- He loves chasing the dogs, especially in his walker. We are still working on "gently" petting them.

- If the backdoor is opened, he crawls outside.
You have to be super quick to shut it!
It doesn't phase him that his little knees are getting scratched.
(We are convinced that he has an extremely high pain tolerance.)

- He loves to go on a stroller ride around the neighborhood in the evenings. He won't sit back in his stroller either. He has his little neck peering around, making sure he doesn't miss a thing!

- "Normal" poop now, now that mustard yellow cottage cheese stuff!
(That stuff was messy, but at least it didn't stink!)

- Feeding himself little finger foods

- Reaching for his Daddy now (and other people).

- Gives great hugs and kisses.

- He gets into everything!
We like to call him Nosey Rosey.
(Knock on wood, he still hasn't discovered the kitchen cabinets!)

- He loves for you to hold both of his hands while he walks.

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