Sunday, December 11, 2011

2 Months OLD!

It feels like we just brought Cooper home!!!! It has gone by way too quickly!
In the past couple of weeks he started sleeping 5-6 hours straight at night (SUPER NICE!).
He still sleeps the majority of the day, but is staying awake more and more.
He still sleeps at an angle to help with his reflux. He's sleeping in his basinet in our room still.
He is taking Prevacid twice a day to help with reflux. Caleb and I both think he is doing really well on it. He does still seem to do better with formula, but I'm still nursing him some too. His stomach is super sensitive to what I eat- basically all I can eat is meat and potatoes.
So far, Cooper seems to be pretty laid back. He is a big time snuggler. His favorite spot to lay is on his stomach on our chest. He will scootch right up next to our neck and snuggle us.
He's in size 1 diaper and 0-3 month clothes- not because of length as much as because his stomach is so round. ;) Caleb and I both agree that he looks like Granny- which I'm not gonna lie- I'm pretty excited to finally have a kid who looks like me! haha We shall see if it stays!
Parker loves, loves, loves his brother and always "wants to see his eyes" open. Parker is also a great helper: gets his paci, burp cloth, throws diapers away, opens the wipe container, etc. It's so nice to have an extra set of hands to help out.
We all three love Cooper. Parker tells us that pretty frequently too!

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