Sunday, November 13, 2011


Parker is constantly making us laugh... and that is no exaggeration.
Here are a few stories from the past couple of weeks:

Let me start by saying that Parker does not like potatoes. He will eat french fries and we have explained that french fries are potatoes. He understands the process but still refuses to eat potatoes. I can't say that I have ever met anyone who doesn't eat them, but we can't convince him other wise.
So when Granny and Gramps were here visiting a few weeks ago, Granny made potato soup. She put a little chicken in it. As she was almost done making it, she reminded me that Parker won't eat it. We decided we would put a lot of cheese on top of his bowl and call it chicken and cheese soup. Gramps and Parker came in the door. We went on and on to Gramps about this delicious cheese and chicken soup so he wouldn't call it potato soup. Gramps got the hint and ran with it. He was sure to throw in that this was his favorite soup.... You know, all of the things you would think would convince a 3 year old. We went on and on about how excited we were to eat this cheese and chicken soup. The three of us began eating and Parker ate some grapes. Granny looked at me and Gramps and said, "he's no dummy." We talked AGAIN about this chicken and cheese soup. Parker looked at his bowl, turned to Granny and said, "You can pick those potatoes out of there." She immediately apologized and explained that she puts potatoes in her soups. She picked them out. Parker ate a few bites of chicken and cheese but that was it.

A couple of weeks before Cooper was born we had Parker's big brother party. He got a Tomater remote control car. Gramps, Pop (my Dad) and Uncle Ken were outside with Parker. They were playing with Tomater and Gramps asked what the cars name was. This is how the conversation went *according to Pop.*
Parker, "Tomater."
Gramps, "Tomato."
Parker, "No, No, No. To-Ma-Ter."
Gramps, "Tomato."
Parker, "No, no, no. Say it with me, Ramps- TO-MA-TER."


Another Texas Family said...

It's not only your child. Aubrey won't touch potatoes either. So weird!

The Cates's said...

Oh I'm so thankful to hear that! I think it's soooooooooooo odd!